The joker needed christ

The joker needed christ

Attached: FMDl_rKWUAo2c8v.jpg (960x960, 102.55K)

this says a lot about our society

that looks so horrible

Right better than left but this is why you don't get tattoos in the first place

the holy bible is a joke?

What a fat fuck

God, tattoos are so disgusting...
Do people not realize how bad they are? What the fuck is wrong with them?

Attached: tattoos.jpg (879x670, 105.97K)

why didnt he just do something like this and make the joker into jesus

Attached: FMDl_rKWUAo2c8v.jpg (960x960, 174.57K)


Why not remove it?

Yes, it's a 2000 year prank


Tattoos are paganism, always has been.

Anyone getting a tattoo of the joker most likely can’t afford to get it removed, unless it’s NBA basketball player DeMarcus Derozan who has a joker tattoo for some reason

I love it when we get visitors from /x/

>replace one shitty tattoo with another
Why even get a tattoo at all?

rather have them than reddit migrants

actually laughed, good one

You shall not make any cuts on your body for the dead or tattoo yourselves: I am the Lord. ~ Leviticus 19:28

Christian Tattoos always confused me.

you can tell he's one of those who thinks his 25 inches fatceps makes him a big guy

you will chop off a bit of your dick because god will be angry if you dont - bible

you’re lying if you don’t have a few subs you browse. this gay polmeme needs to end

>Punish Pharaoh for having sex with married woman
>Doesn't even know she is married because gods chosen lied to him so he could pimp his wife to pharaoh for livestock under the guise of he may kill for some unknown reason
Going to say that God made some interesting choices.
>Tower of babel crumbles which must have major impact on the world
>Never talked about again the bible

you should read the new testament if you want to understand christians. the old testament is just backstory.

The best and only anthropomorphic rationalization we can apply to God (old testament at least) is that he’s a manic depressive.

and there he goes exposing himself. imagine being such a nolife fag you have time to browse two different websites lmfao

>it takes time to browse two (2) websites
the absolute state

>the hylic mad at /x/ chads is a redditor

your tattoos look horrific btw

Depends which Christians you're trying to understand. Conservative American Christians seem to love bringing up Old Testament laws