Dude, weed and underage drinking is awesome!

Dude, weed and underage drinking is awesome!

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>character is clearly portrayed as a traumatised forever alone burnout
No I don’t think the show thinks she’s awesome

boomers and their 60s counterculture are to blame

I can save her.

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off all the moments to fixate on why do you fags choose this particular one?

I’m hoping someone mods her into Super Deep Throat

She looks like the kind of girl you could rape and she wouldn't tell anyone and 5 or 6 years later cold call you and basically invite you to rape her again

Yanks be like
>Dude you got a Bud Light from your uncle on your 20th birthday?! That's wicked!

Could you imagine? A teenager smoking weed, or even, drinking alcohol? Phew I need to sit down

I'll tell you what's awesome, soapy in this kinotube music vid:

This world is a fucked place Jesus Christ

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I didn't do any of that when I was a teen

A while a go I decided to investigate what kind of media and television is shown to teenagers in Israel. I was curious if they were a bit more... Conservative.

You should look too. You'll be fucking amazed.

israel teens dont fuckin' play yo


Mark Hamill?


Yeah I'm not gonna look into it, just fucking tell me bro. You can lie if you want I'll never know

Explains why you are on Any Forums desu.

Problem? I drank alcohol and smoked weed when I was 15 and I'm a functional member of soc...