Euros are about to create next pandemic !!!

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just like
stop having sex lmao

The famed negros of Europe.....VGHH...

Is it only sexually transmitted? If so anons here don't have anything to worry about.

Only infects people who have sex. Not my problem.

I'm a virgin so I will be fine.

Will people get angry at europeans over the monkeypox plague like the westerners got angry at chinese people over the coronavirus plague?

It's homosexual aidsridden pozzfaggots being unable to contain their degenerate selves, unironically.

Do you think keeping people locked in for 2 years could have something to do with this? Lack of exposure to pathogens reduces one’s natural immunity. You know how flu cases are super high?

Which reminds me: the first vaccine ever was for small pox and consisted of exposing people to the more brand cow pox variant. Seems reasonable to think we’ve always had immunity to monkey pox because it doesn’t affect us as much.

its spread by sexual contact and only gay people have it

>Human-to-human transmission is thought to occur primarily through large respiratory droplets.

As I understand it if a person sneezes in your direction you will get it

Its origin is from animals

guess where aids came from retard

this is a cope slash damage control its only gay people spreading it

the WHO has to figure out how to tell people that its just AIDS 2.0 but that you have to have sex with someone in a risky situation to get it without looking homophobic

way ahead of you


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>he doesn't know

Literally everyone infected has gotten it through sex and it's like 90% homosexuals but the WHO will cover with some bullshit excuse to stop the snowflakes from panicking.

by reject humanity he means reject living

Except this time its transmission from animal is not through fucking it though ??

it's AIDS 2.0