Why are Britisher so racist against these people when they're whiter than 90% of Londoners?

Why are Britisher so racist against these people when they're whiter than 90% of Londoners?

Attached: 789756.jpg (2500x1667, 959.45K)

>whiter than 90% of Londoners?
thats not saying much innit

is this guy really 100% paki? Looks like a whitexican

just don't like em

Pakis are infamous for being perverted rapists. Britain is hardly the only country with problems with them. Even Turkey has problems with pakis.

they ARE 90% of londoners

Politicians are always whiter than their nation's average

I'm 28 and my hair is that thin.

Attached: 1650928464348.png (646x522, 201.13K)

interact with them for 5 minutes and you'd understand

Imran Khan is not representative of Pakistan

He is a representative of the country of Pakistan

Retarded paki military overthrew one of the few based PMs. Good luck being ruled by Bhutto trannies or sliding into junta again. Lmao

they act like retards
being white doesnt automaticaly make you "good"

Imran Khan was a puppet of Beijing.

Being white automatically makes you good.

So? CCP's Celestial Mandate is at it's highest, therefore being Beijing puppet is a virtuous and patriotic thing, because it guarantees prosperity for your nation

The people of pakistan are very nice, and as you say, very white looking. I'm sure most british people would love them, but what people who have negative views towards diaspora in their cunt, and people from where the diaspora originate, fail to realise is that immigrants are very different from the average people where they come from. 99.9% of pakistani immigrants in britain are uncivillized pedofiles who hate britain.

pakistanis don't look like that, they look like this

Attached: _111249186_composite_op_bullfinchfinal.jpg (976x549, 106.22K)

>The people of pakistan are very nice, and as you say, very white looking.
well said, paki user

They will literally annex the Far East of RF within your lifetime you fucking retard.

paki detected

He has Pashtun (Iranian) ancestry. That phenotype isn't rare in Pakistan, but most Pakistanis are significantly more "Indian" looking.

All mainstream Pakistani politicians want to maintain good relations with China. They'd have to be totally retarded not to.