Women hate this movie for some reason

women hate this movie for some reason

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really? why

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Women have shit taste

unironically, its not really sexist i think women just do have worse taste in film

women are innate genetic selectors and naturally prefer the certitude of genetics as basis for deterministic outcomes. They fail to comprehend the way Human Will, what Vincent represents in the film, transcends such limitations and what truly creates the overman that rises the station that humanity rests on.

One of my favorite movies ever. Once watched it while super high and him swimming with his brother almost had me in tears. It's a beautiful, well-crafted movie.

The problem with the world in Gattaca is that the technology just wasn't fully there and people treated it as gospel.

Though it's a pretty good interpretation of what genetics screenings could look like in the future. And a really exaggerated tilt on the impacts.

We probably won't be able to perfectly sequence something like autism for decades, but in the next decade if during a screening your fetus had a 90% chance of being autistic, would you abort it?

uh, if you define "bad taste" as "things i don't like" then yeah but you're still a misogynist

This was peak comfy. Vincent was the true villain all along.

a woman recommended this movie to me

It reminds us we don't need them


>women hate this movie
Actual real women, or the strawwomen you built in your head just to get angry?

I only like things that are good therefore they have bad taste

They can't understand competition between brothers

You realize people can already tell if a child is retarded before they're born, right?

is this post satire?

Only if it's something like trisomy 21 or some physical development they can see in the ultrasound.

>OP makes baseless claim
>Any Forums just accepts the premise without question

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Good for them.

Movie is shit.
Its whole premise is built on a series of retarded strawmen.
It doesn't have the slightest understanding of genetic engineering, yet hysterically rails against it.

Its on par with an Alex Jones anti-vaxx rant.

Welcome to the Internet