This shit is the unfunniest reddit garbage plaguing the airwaves

This shit is the unfunniest reddit garbage plaguing the airwaves
Prove me wrong

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Other urls found in this thread:

>I never watched a single episode but I hate because Trey Parker, Mike and Jay and Any Forums told me to

What did Jay say?

Fuck off le reddit nigger! Any time some faggot claims something is Reddit it’s from a Reddit nigger


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this is reddit this is memes this is reddit this is memes this is reddit this is memes this is reddit this is memes this is reddit this is memes

redditors think they're too smart for this show and they hate that there are mean jokes and gore in it.

Smart people are too smart for this show, you quivering moron.

Reminder that Mike has never seen Twin Peaks so all his television opinions are irrelevant.

Isn’t Rick and Morty the definitive Reddit show?

Pomer Grimpson

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>I'm smart!
sup reddit

Yes, because I don't watch shit like Family Guy. Problem, retard?

Family Guy isn’t Reddit or anything. It’s low brow trash TV. But I’d argue it’s done better consistency wise than The Simpsons. Nothing Family Guy done id close to cringe Lady Gaga episode. Not even horrific Trump episode.

Fucking based. Why Simpsons suck. Never had the balls to go all the way

Family Guy is the most anti-reddit shit, you might be thinking about Rick and Morty or Southpark

>Wisconsin opinions
These people exist on stale beer and cheese. They hate themselves as a fact of life and that miserable nature projects on to everything that isn't as easily digestible and feel-good as the processed foods they gorge themselves on quickening their deaths to escape the misery of living in a Midwestern shithole.

Seth is very salty about Disney shitting on jews.

See, the thing with Family Guy is it’s for inconsistent. They literally mock Jews. Mort! Wish Upon a Weinstein was so controversial it didn’t even air on TV.