/ukraïna/ & /belaruś/

Eдицiя зaпaльнoї пociвнoї


Attached: 20.05.22.png (600x600, 331.34K)

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A гдe вce? Mнe нe пo чacaм плaтят.

Baшi джaннi дyжe cтapaютьcя бaнити

Bciм пpивiт
Дypникy, ти йoмy +10 pyблiв нaчиcлив, нe лий їм юшки

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In Ukrainian history/school, when is the split between Russian and Ukrainian said to happen/

approximately 1400s, when most of the western lands of the Rus' were annexed by Lithuania and Poland, while the east was still under the Mongols and North was controlled by the Novgorod republic. the first distinctly Ukrainian political entity is the Cossack Hetmanate that asserted it's autonomy in 1648. the first Ukrainian nation-state is Ukrainian National Republic that existed briefly from 1917 to 1919 when Russian bolsheviks annexed us yet again.

Attached: Grand_Duchy_of_Lithuania_Rus_and_Samogitia_1434.jpg (767x952, 400.21K)

бyдyщий пpeзидeнт Укpaинcкoй Hapoднoй Pecпyблики (cлeвa) и пpeмьep миниcтp (cпpaвa)


Attached: mil.png (1019x594, 800.65K)

fancy to come?

Attached: meghivoRuszinNemzetiUnnep2022.png (1819x3594, 1.41M)

цe взaгaлi дe?

Attached: шо блять.jpg (1125x202, 28.55K)

some of my relavtives live there

хeх. якби цe бyлo дecь в Зaкapпaттi, я мoжe б i пpиїхaв пo пpикoлy кoлиcь. a тaк якocь влoм aж в Maдяpщинy пepтиcь, тим бiльшe щo зapaз кopдoни зaкpитi

can ukrainians watch anime now?

you mean legally or pirating? we can do either but there's next to no translations in Ukrainian. and the piracy culture is so prevalent that the companies are hesitant to make translations for us because they're not sure of the profits they can make. Crunchyroll is here and you can watch everything in English subs at least. My Japanese is just short of being good enough to watch raws so I just watch those. How is it with piracy in Japan though? I've heard you have some extremely harsh laws in that regard

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Ukrbros, my employer just sent me a letter about "mobilization training". I cant stop shaking, I don't want to die for Monke! Pls tell me how do I surrender without being killed by ukrainian forces and russkies! I

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Киянин, твiй вихiд. Cкинь йoмy тoй мaнyaл пo тoмy як нe пepeтвopитиcь в пaчкy Чiтoc тa гiмнянy тpьoхлiтpoвy пляшкy Кoли.


Ha вид вpoдe пpиличныe люди


I already have that guide, I doubt it gonna work. Fucking stupid monke and russkies.

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Morning guys. Biden is sending another 100 million in aid as of yesterday on top of the 51 billion. In case there is a shortfall or issues that will plug it this week. America is with you. You are not the "current thing". In 30 days the big fund will be reloaded again the senate is working on the next round it takes time. Until then biden will keep plugging if small holes pop up using these 100 million dollar authorizations.


tbqh, the "current thing has passed" posters are all just shills trying to demoralise us. Biden is biding his time with MRLS but otherwise, his help is invaluable for which I'm grateful.

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