The turkmenistani president has built a 6m tall solid gold statue of his dog in a residential area for civil servants

The turkmenistani president has built a 6m tall solid gold statue of his dog in a residential area for civil servants

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what a cool country

>be dictator of a nominally Muslim country
>build golden idol of a dog


they really like statues, the president at least, he built a solid gold statue of himself too, along with ancient turkmen warriors

Attached: Screenshot 2022-05-20 at 12-16-43 turkmen-statues-in-front-of-the-independence-monument-in-ashgabat-EYPAYH.jpg (JPEG Image 1037 × 1390 pixels) — Scaled (68%).png (712x897, 1.04M)

quite a Machiavellian way to tell civil servants they'll be rewarded for loyalty and dedication.

Sometimes I really wish everywhere in the world was properous and corruption free :'(

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turkmenistan is a dictatorship user

Attached: Screenshot 2022-05-20 at 12-19-16 ashgabat-independence-monument-with-turkmen-warrior-in-waving-flag-RY3EBF.jpg (JPEG Image 867 × 1390 pixels) — Scaled (68%).png (595x893, 965.97K)

they kind of look like giant action figures

Give me two reasons why this is wrong

they do look fucking cool

Attached: Screenshot 2022-05-20 at 12-20-59 independence-park3.jpg (JPEG Image 900 × 600 pixels).png (900x600, 711.72K)

good for them

Yeah I can see that. So is Russia and China. Wasted potential if you ask me

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1. dictatorship and corruption
2. a majority of turkmen live in poverty
3. only 15% of the country has access to the internet, which tells you just how bad it is

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there would be armed guards around the statue, especially in a country like turkmenistan, if it were actually a solid gold statue. gold plated, most likely. even then I question

I'm pretty sure only america has a problem with lobbying, not europe,

This a joke? You literally have ZERO say in what happens in your country. Your president started a war that 80% of russians didn't want. Your cucked youth is going to die in it.
Give me lobbying over that any day, idc

Putin has 80% approval rating

ok but is that a heckin russian eagle?

>5 headed eagle
Mexicobros... Russian Empire bros... Romebros... Usabros... Our eagles combined can barely match a single Turcoman eagle

aren't dogs haram?

>dictatorships are.....LE BAD!

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must call in austria and egypt

Gold is not edible and to be fair we're already 8B on this planet.

I kneel..

>Gold is not edible
It is.
You just don't metabolize it.

>really like your dog
>decide to immortalize it by building a statue of it where everyone can see
kind of cute, shame it's done by a retard running a failing country.

meh, not just lobbying at least in the usa
We don’t get to really pick our presidential candidates, they are picked for us. There only really 2 options, both of which suck. Plus, districts are gerrymandered so hard that you can’t even really select your state representatives. Then of course the supreme court which wields so much power is entirely unelected.