IG droid acts as a “mech” for baby Grogu. That’s right, Grogu literally sits inside the chest of a modified IG-11 who has been reinforced with beskar and has been turned into the foundling’s suit of Mandalorian armor. The little critter is well protected and as dangerous as ever.

Grogu kicks some serious ass in the series once this upgrade is put into play. He literally beats the shit out of some Stormtroopers.


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Love this lily night like you wouldn't believe

The Boba Fett finale leaks were bullshit and so is this.

Grogu and his mech were good friends.

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Not op, but I'm on the set of mando, ama

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what have you seen ?

What if they gave him a little car, with a laser cannon on it, that's also a sassy droid. Like that game Blaster Master.

The filming of Mando!

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do you have more infos and photos?

I mean yea man.

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sounds absolutely based, keep me informed user

post all you have

Wowza is that some Star Wars news? I am thrilled to bits, because I'm a fucking subnormal gimp.

mandalore pics?

>He literally beats the shit out of some Stormtroopers
Wow, no way man

Lame request. Im out

Lil nigga going on a rampage. Dark side Jedi bounty hunter

the balls on this user oh my lord

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Any pics of that one dude? you know who I'm talking about. That one single fucking actor who who plays every single 1 line alien in the show, and always gets dressed as a dog faced guy or some other dumb alien, who always uses the exact same voice for the character, and you always give him the exact same fake dog teeth that affect his voice the exact same way, no matter what else he's wearing?

Thank GOD they didn't actually do this.


my lil nigga yeed is gonna look fresh af in his mech suit

but would you do it for a Scooby Snack?

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