What the fuck is happening in Slovakia?

They've been free-falling for monnths on this but their inflation is the same as everyone else.
What is causing this?

Attached: 54.png (920x916, 181.32K)

they stopped paying protection to ndrangheta

all the money goes to czechia now i'm afraid

It’s a shithole with no future

estonia this high despite having 20% inflation?

I feel for Slovakia and Latvia

What if you and Czechia linked up?

Self-hating Slovak from this board has discouraged Any Forumsvestors

they are all leaving for Czechia
my relatives did too

Will never happen but it would be good

How thefuck is belarus mogging half of Balkan and russia itself?? Jewish trickery i swear

belarus is entire located in eastern europe and doesn't have siberian backwater shitholes driving down the national average

yes they used to be way above Poland

This map does not represent the actual economic situation at all

it's over for slovakia

this looks fake as fuck

why are dutchoids Eastern Europe tier? I thought they were financial Jews.

How long until britoids start cleaning polish toilets?

Seriously what the fuck is Poortugal doing being worse than fucking Montenegro


More like how are nordoids so fucking poor.

Purchasing power parity
Their paychecks are huge but so are prices

>poor people points