Will you be alive when your country collapses?

Will you be alive when your country collapses?

Definitely yes

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im sorry you suffer so much man. I don't really know how I can help if I can at all

No, I will kill myself in 1,5 years

What do you think of Czechoslovakia

No, I'll kms this year

Nope, this country will live another century or so

tell biden to nuke eastern europe pls

Should reunite, but it will never happen

We're like a couple of years away from that so yes

I will kill myself

Tell him that we got oil reserves. Killing Eastern Europeans would be euthanasia. But don’t worry user it will end soon average Eastern European lives 5-6 years shorter than a Western European

Nuke Eastern Europe

zip it self hating fag Slovakia is great

i suffer

they don't allow only me to live. virtually 2% do not have the corona vaccine. but I survive and enjoy the new world.

Nigga now you havse became boring I see this thread every single day

Trump would have done it.

I’ve heard the word many times. I find you regrettable that you have been vaccinated.

regrettable regret

Slovakia is a backward shithole with no history nor future

so is poland

nuke yourself gypsy

i hope so

Polands history is rich and they have a decent future