Bringing Out The Dead


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boring shit. muh depression wahhhh

second worst scorsese movie I've seen behind Shutter Island

I remember liking it the first I watched but tried to rewatch it recently and got bored pretty quick

loved it. the sound track is great.


It feels like Scorsese saw what Tarantino was doing and thought “yeah but what if it mattered?”


Still the only Scorsese film without a Blu-ray release.

Kino of the highest order.

Taxi Driver but ambulance

Fucking great cast.

the part where Cage is screaming at the bum in the ambulance is fucking hysterical XD
god tier film

I Be Bangin'

I thought it was kino.

I watched this after working late one night. I just moved into a town where I knew no one so I found the isolation in it very relatable. Still in my top 5 just for that


cage kino + scorsese kino. his 2nd best movie behind the king of comedy.

i like this idea

Stupidest, most overrated chunk of shit I've ever seen. The first bad Scorsese movie. He has made a good one since.

"Kundun...I liked it!"

Saw it in theaters with my cop brother-in-law. I thought “Scorsese, first responders, it’s right up his ally.” He still makes fun of me dragging him to that awful ambulance movie