Digital has been a disaster for television and film

Digital has been a disaster for television and film

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not really

The real loss is all those mid 00s shows that were shot on fixed resolution digital cameras. So many Handycam videos that will always be in 1280x720 interlaced mode

oh look another “film student thinks they know everything” hangout thread

film = soul
also the videogame looking CGI of the new starwars shows is garbage

Why does digital look so soulless? Why can't you get the same effect on a digital camera?

yeah. Film is great, but the democratization of Digital has created a new space for filmmakers.

"Once" was filmed with a Sony HVR-Z1E. barely a prosumer camera and it's bursting with soul.

but you can

Cringe, film is expensive and outdated. Fuck off

Most of japanese movies at the beginning of 00s was digital and they are still valuable. The real disaster was DSLR shit with crop sensor and f/1.8 lenses

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Broke: Digital
Woke: Film

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color theory ruined cinema.

Without digital, this kino would have been impossible to make

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Which kino?
Related image is fucking shit



Movies shot on digital are not films, they are videos.
And the consequences are not limited to their inferior appearance. Being inexpensive and having the ability to record scenes an unrestricted amount of times changes the filmmaking process overwhelmingly to the detriment of quality, introducing inherent laziness and lack of (necessary) precision.

>war as capeshit
No thanks.

By Chris Nolan?

Inland Empire was digital and it looks great

the zoomer will never understand

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compact digital cameras are the only way to capture real life

vilanova doesn't give a fuck!

Sam Mendez directed that one... is this bait?

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>being objectively better is bad because
>it just is okay!
Retards saying film is better are studio and union shills mad others can make pictures