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Is there anything scarier than Dementia?

Live Hard

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Having a president with demensia?

Oh, no. Uncle Bruce's got dementia.

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Show him screenshot from when he wore the sign that says I hate niggers everyday

dementia but with spiders

inb4 caretaker zoomers

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Yeah he's finished.

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Why? What’s wrong with her?

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don't know what you're talking about user, sign said "i hate everybody"

Show him a different one everyday

Well-played, user.

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deadass that shit BROKE me fr fr

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stop laughing, it's not funny

Black people in lord of the rings

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He’s dying

Having 2 presidents with dementia in the middle of a possible war threatening to fire nukes at each other

Is there anything scarier than Dementia?

All my gg knew at the end of her life was how to play cards and drink Old Style beer



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It won't be nuclear. The US had bioweapons labs in Ukraine that the Russians hit, so now we're dealing with lots of "WE DIDN'T HAVE ANYTHING THERE BUT IF ANTHRAX, SMALLPOX, OR SOME OTHER MAN-MODIFIED HIGHLY-CONTAGIOUS SHIT GOT OUT THEN THE RUSSIANS DID IT!"

I wish I was joking. The global reset as well as the Bill Gates plan have probably begun now.

Love Bruce honestly don't understand why he gets so much hate.

Was there a special way to drink old style beer? Wtf?

Reddit letter media bros...

the rumor is that he has early stage alcohol 'wet brain' dementia

>begin now
Bro it's been on since the 00s.

What is that? Dementia induced by years of alcohol abuse?

>yeah, i played santa in christmas movie Hard die

True Detective Season 3 sequel lets fucking goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

>girl sucks a guy’s cock so well that he explodes all over her face in 20 seconds
>“wow where do you learn to do THAT?”
>girl wipes the semen off her chin
>“I grew up with four brothers, my dad, a stepdad, my uncles, my babysitter and her boyfriend, the guys across the street, the molestor on the bus, the town drunk, Chad, Chad’s friends, Chad’s friends’ dads, and a butch lesbian cousin.”

Aw shit man

Bruce in 2030. Doesn't know where he is doesn't know what he's doing all he knows that he must look cool while doing it.

Get's paid 1 billion and talks about filming the fith element during his acceptance speech.

black werewolves

yeah, early onset dementia from alcoholism. different than Alzheimer's

Is a bot with dementia posting these threads?

Apparently Bruce has to have lines fed to him through an earpiece and regularly soils himself while filming.

Source: My Dad is a Nintendo

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Maybe getting dementia is good actually.