Still undefeated

Still undefeated.

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Sorry Jack, you wouldn't look as good in latex.

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Best Catwoman in a live action movie at least.

The penguin is a lame villain

Honestly yeah, I've never seen an version of him that was anything but a gilded age stereotypical mob boss.

supposed to be a side villain like riddler

True. What other villains are as big or as personal as the Joker and Two Face for Batman?

Best batman movie. Top 5 capeshit movies. And honestly one of the best feminist movie. Burton taking Catwomen and making her a sex-positive, unapologetic feminist icon rather than a boring jewel thief added so much more depth and relatability to the character for women.

i like him. i like the biting off guys' noses and bleeding black blood out his mouth.

Trying too hard user

That was hot as fuck

Burton Penguin was a scarier and better villain than the Joker imho

Imagine the disgusting smelly zoomer shills right now shilling for anti white nigress catwoman and zoomerman...

Between the Harley Quinn show and the new movie they're pushing really hard to have the character made black permanently.

As a kid I kinda hated this movie because it didn't make sense in some parts. But now I've realized that it's a dark fairytale about fucked up freaks during Christmas time and I love it.

>Harley Quinn show
They did my boy Scarecrow dirty, fuck them

This movie has always been underrated and overall better than the first Batman movie. It’s unfiltered Tim Burton, just a bunch of weirdos going crazy during Christmas

There was way too much of him in the movie. It's also let Burton be as Burton as possible, with the giant rubber ducky and penguins of peace

Kudos to her for learning how to use a bullwhip for the role.

catwoman is a good villain when she's not being used as a romantic subplot