He’s right you know

He’s right you know.

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If you like hack literature.

>Why didn't he write a Hobbit fuck scene?
Maybe because it would've been gross.

Absolute degenerate. The thought of this fat fuck having sex or sexual thoughts disgusts me completely.

21st century is degenerate regression. The most disgusting fetishes are openly shared and people watch disgusting smutt. Ironically there's never been more Incel virgins alive as well. Huge step backwards

>reading some kino science fiction or cyberpunk or whatever
>author suddenly inserts sex scene out of the blue specifically featuring his fetishes
>can't read it the same way knowing he probably came his pants multiple times while writing it
Why are normoids like this? They seem to get confused and scared and are unable to follow the plot if sex isn't mentioned or had every five or so minutes.

>I'm 14 years old and sex and blood makes my work adult and mature.
I wonder if people like this retard or hack snyder's brains do actually stop developing and get stuck in the teenage phase forever somehow. Maybe that's an actual mental disorder that exists and I don't know about.

As far as I'm concerned life is full of people not having sex and crying about it instead.

Sure sure but why are there no scenes of his characters wiping their asses? How am I supposed to fully immerse when I don’t know what kind of toilet paper they use? Do they use leaves? A sheet? What? An incomplete story.

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>you cant imagine hobbits having sex
i can

think of the hottest porn star you've seen

now imagine George R.R. Martin blasting her doggy style

I can imagine hobbits having sex much easier than I can imagine that fat fuck GRRM having sex

I don't get why he always goes to nitpick on Tolkien's work. It's like internally he's constantly reminding himself he's a hack that created an inferior imitation of a masterpiece and he has to cope by claiming he actually improved high fantasy.

>a world cannot be believable unless the writer shows you all the basic stuff in it

Yeah I'm sure LOTR would have been better if there was a section where Gandalf had to leave the Council to go for a shit

GRRM is a fucking disgusting old fat faggot who should maybe try actually writing his soap opera with swords instead of criticising a man who is way more talented.

"Life is very full of work, or should be.
As much as I admire GRRM - and I do,
he was a giant of waist and a giant
of pant size, and I think he wrote (part of) a series that will be forgotten about in a couple years - you do have to wonder where the first five books came from, since you can't imagine GRRM doing work, can you? Well, work is an important part of who we are. It drives us, it motivates us, it makes us do sometimes very noble things and it makes us do
sometimes incredibly stupid things.
Leave it out, and you've got an
incomplete series.

Reading this quote put the very unsettling image in my head of what the hobbit would've been like if this fat retard wrote it.

Why would you write about sex when your book is about a quest to save the world from evil?
It would be like writing pages upon pages about Denethor's tax policy while the orcs are standing right before Minas Tirith. Or about how Frodo was to weak to take a shit in Mordor.

What a hack. Tolkien knew what sex was and all his characters, Aragorn, Boromir, Gandalf, they all knew, to the point it wasn't worth talking about, because they were grown adults and the fates of millions of people rested on their efforts.

Aragorn wasn't going to turn out to be a hobbit fetishist, stick his finger up Bilbo's ass and sniff it. If any came up with a sex joke to lighten the mood, it better be a good one, otherwise it is just going to come off as cringe to people who are not 15 year old boys.

>if there was a section where Gandalf had to leave the Council to go for a shit
>Pardon my leave, wise Elrond. I must take a moment to let drop the sons of Durin into the Mirrormere, so to speak.

Because he's a fag whose work only stands up as a response to high fantasy so he needs to constantly poke holes in those works.

What he forgets though is that Tolkien was a man with experience; he'd seen Europe fight through a brutal industrial war (which he was a part of), seen it descend into another against a genocidal state, contend with a superpower of godless communists and still emerge more noble for it. He let his devotion to his faith and interest in folklore and myth guide his writing.

GRRM has no real world experience. He dodged the draft and has spent his life writing fantasy. He has no morals or faith to guide him and all he can write is smut that goes nowhere.

Tolkien will survive the Amazon series being a trainwreck and will he renowned for centuries, but GRRM's relevance lived and died by an HBO series that he didn't even finish.

>why doesn't LOTR have le sex???
Maybe because Tolkien made fictional stories suitable for kids and not cheap smut fiction written by and for obese manchildren.

>the face of sex:

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Sam and frodo or pippin and merry would have definitely have gay anal sex under George Martin.

what a truly piece of shit....
you guys made me realize
what a truly fucking asshole