Why do anglos age so terribly?

Why do anglos age so terribly?

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Hmmm sweetie Madeira is in the Atlantic ocean...

Greed rooted in the lack of soul and empathy
Jk, maybe something related to diet? Climate? Obesity rates? who knows

He ironically looks better as an grumpy Captain Price looking victorian hunter man with relationship issues then he ever did as a football player with a gay voice.

It seems that lightskin (little melanin) is more vulnerable to aging from sun exposure, this would also explain why ronaldo (brown bvll) looks young

People like ronaldo should give guys especially the motivation to keep active all their lives.

Lifting, running, sports etc is fun, keep active anons and you will age gracefully too.

When I'm 40 I want to look like Rooney, not some gay model.
Simple as.

Being wh*te has its consequences. Even the slightest glimpse of sunlight will age your skin exponentially unlike the BASED BROVVN BVLL.

ronaldo has the african genes, though


Thats nice user, you still need to work on a healthy lifestyle to do that

ronaldo is mulato (black)

Terrible? You call that terrible? I bet if you ask some women more than half of them will pick the left guy. Especially if you leave out information on their income and what they're doing for a living.

Hes a Moorish BVLL, his ancestors conquered Iberia 1300 years ago

This desu he looks loads better now

Gypsies came from India

mexicans arent med

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Rooney is richer than Ronaldo?
Btw the guy was never a good example of normal aging, looked 35 when he was 20

Ronaldo drinks only agua

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True, we are MVTTs (the future normal people)

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Yes but not as famous. A woman might favor Ronaldo simply because of prestige that comes with being the wife of a famous football player.