So when are they leaving my country?

so when are they leaving my country?

Attached: Flag_of_Ukraine.svg.png (1280x853, 940)


they're staying


When Ukraine joins the EU and they can go to Germany, France, Netherlands etc. Imagine what would have happened if the EU existed in 1945 and we were a part of it. Warsaw would be nothing but a heap of ruins to this day

You will help with the muttification operation and you'll be happy.

>When Ukraine joins the EU
So never...

kek they're never leaving
give them an inch and they take a mile

My man, Danish Ukraine!

when you stop giving them free shit

Imagine how they feel when they are caught up in a war started by Westerners, and even when they escape, they are discriminated against by Westerners and cannot even get a proper job
It's just sad this is inhumane

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when they find a job in germany

why are you complaining, they are fixing your demographics problem

That's what you get for being so anti-monke, pooland

Every day you fail to open Kowalski's Fuckski and Suckski featuring Ukrainian qts is a day wasted.

Supposedly more people return than enter already

oh no no no

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When their country is better than yours and it's not happening anytime soon

They aren’t, it’s going to get worse after vatnigeria implodes, I’m sure you s(c)lav boys are going to manage them just fine.

They deserve worse

No one deserves to be part of r*ssia

ukraine IS over, imagine losing 4 milion of your population(mostly women) plus whatever russia took

White and Red >>>>> Blue and Yellow
every fucking time

I got those ads recently. Feel bad for that Indian girl.


are they giving visas to foreigners to work in burger king?