Black people never believed Jussie

>black people never believed Jussie

Why did he lie?

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he bitches about gay shit all the time but ofc shills his own black identity politics whenever he can. He grew up rich to so that's just icing on the cake

>talks about white people nonstop
>slaps knee with microphone
>white people clap

>takes a shit on poor people
What went wrong?

>maga hats in chicago
I really think that nigga Smollet has an actual mental illness, especially after today

Anyone who's going to go to the effort of faking getting lynched fot attentions is definitely mentally ill

Hes always been a faggot

>your brain on contrarianism

For the punchline.

yeah it's called being a democrat

It’s just cope for them being such gullible fucking race baiters

Because he's a stupid nigger who's starting to get old and he's freaking out. All of his recent, "woke" shit has just been him copying other black people in history. He even fucking converted to Islam because that's the thing "woke" niggas are supposed to do. He's such a follower.

>he thinks fake dave is real dave
lmao idiot they don't look anything alike

>converted to Islam
didnt this happen like 20 years ago?

Nah he's got a point

We all kinda cocked an eyebrow when the story came out

Like rednecks patrol the north side of Chicago at 3am in a polar vortex? And the recognize him from Empire?

No nigga on the streets was buying it

If you support Dave and you're white mcfucking kill yourself right now. Fuck anyone that supports this nigger

Attached: white_people_shoots_schools.webm (960x540, 2.99M)

shut up cracker

It's super weird that Dave went out like "ALL black people knew he was lying!"

No. That is not true. Literally every single black person on the entire planet who heard about the situation was either enraged that a "modern day lynching" happened, prepared to violently riot, or were on their social medias or TV shows shouting about how White Supremacy is the worst terrorism imaginable and all blacks are victims everywhere.

Not a single person anywhere except those deemed dangerous, conservative Nazis, were willing to point out how absolutely bullshit the situation was. All black people believed Jussie. About half still do to this day. All of them think the system was too harsh on him and should have let him go right away, even if he did do it.

Saying they didn't believe him is cope after the fact.

fucking hell he looks nothing the real Dave

This. They were all onboard, even as the story started falling apart, and now they're trying to play it off like they knew the whole time to keep from looking like fools.

If they were crying about a chick half a second away from stabbing someone getting shot by the cops, all on video, they were 100% on Jussie's side until it started hurting the optics.

looks like celebrties and people who who dont really walk around outside believed it, while the general public that dont have brain rot had doubts
read the comments

Is Elleniot still defending him or did they shut up about that?

he didn't lie

black people already ostracized him cause he's a faggot

unlike whites black people don't tolerate that type of're a faggot you're gonna get smacked.

>I really think that nigga Smollet has an actual mental illness
He knew exactly what he was doing.

You aren't black Brian.

We dignt

He does raise a slightly good point inbetween the anti-Whiteness, bullied kids never seem to want to skip school. It's like they like school just not the people there.

niggers are habitual liars and never take credit for anything (other than shit they didnt do like egypt and israel), ESPECIALLY when they make the wrong call.

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