How does this even make sense

how does this even make sense

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It makes money, not sense

The harsh desert aged him

men have a wall too

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sequels sucked
old EU sucked
new EU sucks
prequels sucked

only the OT is canon

you will understand when you're 57

ewan mcgregor is a shit actor and only got praised because everyone around him was worse. >liam neeson
>natalie portman
>hayden christensen

Ewan is 50 in that promo image for Obi Wan. Alec was 62 in that image of ANH

honestly once you start aging seriously it goes pretty fast

Genuinely based. Literally the only thing outside of the movies of consequence is the original WEG roleplaying game because Lucas allowed them access to his notes and consulted on that immediately after ROTJ.


looks like he masturbated a lot during those years in hiding

obi wan was a lucky man, it took him 50 years to lose some hair.

Have you spent a significant amount of time in the desert before? That shit actually ages your face fast my guy.

name a decent film ewan mcgregor carried, you can't

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WW2 aged people 10-20+ years

that actually looks pretty normal to me

I knew an old guy like this. He looked 40 forever, and then over lockdown, by the time he showed up again he was suddenly like 70 or 80, he's mostly deaf now for some reason, can't see anything. Kind of sad to see him like this.

He's talking about those moles disappearing. Does the desert remove those too?

podracing, gungan city, and gungan-droid field battle objectively BTFO of your point
Never post again

the OT isn't canon and will be remade in the next decade or two

Orange pussy does things to a man user...

Looks like he realized he picked up the wrong color dye and everyone noticed so he decided to just say fuck it and give up like most boomers

Well the last one is an old actor from a movie in the 70s, hes dead now. The other man is an actor in present day who is not quite as old but playing the same character

>ncose evangelic-shill uses even starwar shit to gaslight newfags into fearing looking at pussy
Tits or gtfo

The desert sand is very exfoliating

You wouldn't believe how quickly you can age. Last 3 years I went from a 7/10 baby faced 38 year old to a balding, saggy fugly 41yo.

If they just gave him salt + pepper hair, nobody would be sperging out.

are you retarded?

bitter contrarians such as yourself are what make it difficult to get rational discussion going in SW forums. the braindead soids just use you guys as strawmen and disney runs with it. we get it, it's not as good, whining about it like a dried up cunt is not going to accomplish anything.

Prime scarjo's body carried that film.
Michael Bay might be a fucking mess when it comes to directing coherent movies, but goddamn if he doesn't know tits and ass.