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childhood kino thread?

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For me its Prehysteria.


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Has anyone seen past the trailer of Page master?

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i saw this movie in theaters

wait wasn't this called "the sandlot kids"?


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great movie even now

great, another mandela effect thread

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Good movie.

you're killing me smalls


Rented it a few times as a kid it's okay.

Yeah. Never revisited because im sure its better in my head than it really is. Made that mistake with time bandits

i watched it a few months ago, surprisingly it's one hour long, like an episode of whatever HBO episode is all the rage these days

Yeah it's basically the same quality and level of plot as the TV Alvin and the chipmunks movies.
>Inb4 mathematically

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I lived my life by this little bitches example and it got me nowhere.

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this is a fun fact that i can't wait to whip out in the future

Always hated these movies

the quintessential americana movie