Do you have communists in your country?

do you have communists in your country?

Attached: 1652982690381.jpg (1080x1080, 93.07K)

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...I don't know

we literally never stoped being a communist country, even the same politicians are in power

We actually don't.
Even so-called nostalgics are just some old people that miss their youth days.

Yes, unfortunately

I agree life was better in the 80s and aerly 90s

I hate this shithole so much


Refuse to believe 92% of Hungarians would say yes

what is your cause of suffering in hungary? I am interested to hear if you don't mind sharing

My country's entire educational system is based on worshipping commies

Little fun fact that no one knows: Bulgaria was the only Axis country that didn't lose territories in WW2 and the punishment of which was not only not pursued by the Soviet Union, but the preservation of its territories was also actively encouraged by Stalin against Churchill's demands that we get partitioned
You can read more here

Second fun fact: "communism" was actually nazbol and it worked so well that we were right after DDR in terms of development from the entire communist world. We mogged 90% of the world in both scientific Olympiads and the actual Olympics. We also manufactured the computers, as in the full supply chain with the microchips included, of the communist world.

Third fun fact: pic related

now I'm not saying that communism = good, and that's also not what 88% of these people said in that survey. That's an important thing to realize when it comes to slav psyche.
What people mean when they say that, is that communism, however bad it was, was still an upgrade to the absolutely state right now.

Our country has a huge potential and the communists made some half-assed attempt to realize it, but at least they tried something, and it kinda worked. But no one tries anymore. The current rulers are blatantly puppeted by the west, and the west keeps treating us as a buffer territory that needs to be abused for their own agendas, and there is no way to ever change this because being a part of NATO means that you give up the ability to change your government into the more problematic ones because all of NATO will invade you to peacekeep you.

So considering all of the above, yes, communism was better.

Attached: 1651571632584.png (1000x743, 63.32K)

Source: my ass

> Second fun fact: "communism" was actually nazbol
where can i read about the system of Bulgaria in during the cold war days?

The United States.


Are profits in companies distributed to all workers? No? Then you're not communist

boomers die every day so this is vastlt outdated now

here's the most important event

but in general the way that the regime here operated was that it suppressed the gypsies, as in the police would beat them up for no reason (heard it from many boomers), there was no racemixing agendas or much less racemixing with the other nations around us which was unpopular due to historical rivalries, there was a promotion of nationalism and a strong national identity due to the revanchism of the people which made Bulgaria appear like a fallen empire that could still be great, there were good social incentives to have a bigger family, and there was a minimal suppression of the churches unlike the Soviet Union.

Now of course there's some nuance to it, like for an example we didn't have anti-nationalist policies that promote "one race the human race", but there were also external policies of this sort that were a part of the greater communist ecosphere where workers of every communist nation had to be allowed to go abroad if they wanted to, and there was minimal suppression of the church but there also was at the same time by having the Bulgarian equivalent of the CIA infiltrate them totally so as to suppress them.

All of this messy realpolitik approach pushed the communist idealism away from our society and opened the natural floodgates of Bulgarian nationalism to intermix into a sweet spot where everyone was happy, and voila - a semi-nazbol regime. Not quite nationalistic but not quite communistic either.

As for actual sources, I don't know. Maybe the wikipedia page on our communist party has something on it? Most Bulgarians just know this from their parents and grandparents.

What do the colors mean

All my history and geography/geopolitics teachers were commies praising Russia, Cuba and China while talking down on the US.

OP picture is 90% of our problems

No matter how shitty were your young days, you will always forgot the bad shits that happened and think about them with nostalgia