Cities with >2 million inhabitants

How does one not go insane living in an ant colony? I've been to London a few times and i pity people who have to live in such a shithole.

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>Only 2 million

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ive never been to a city above 100 thousand. I dont understand how people even function packed like sardines in a can. Its sickening. no wonder people are getting mentally ill you live like rats

How is life in Islamabad, user?

Its not too bad, just dont go downtown in rush hour.

my city/metro area has 5 million but the only thing i appreciate about american carcentricity is that it doesn't feel that way

If you don't go out during the rush hour it's pretty ok. The worst thing is the housing. I used to live in a 35 floor capitalistblock in a 19m^2 doghouse

>ive never been to a city above 100 thousand.
You can't suffer in Sweden.
One of my relatives lives in UK and has to drive from Luton to London every workday (1hour to get there and 1 hour back) i have no idea how people in the west are okay with this.

London Underground serves that many citizens every 30 minutes

The worst subway I've been to

rush hour in a million city feels like shit I don't even want to see how bad it is in megacities

Big cities are great. I live in a city of 300k and it's way too small, I want to move abroad to a >1 million city. After a while you've just seen everything in a small city and it gets boring.
4channers like rural places because all they do is sit inside all day and jerk off and wafch animebut if you aren't an oxygen wasting NPC you need big cities.

Guess a visit to nyc isn’t on the table for you…

Lived in LA for a few years. It's the main reason I moved out because the public transit there is so shit there is always traffic there lmao

at least we have 24 hour service

Suit yourself. I am happy with the current size of my city (Vilnius) population 600k inhabitants. More than 1 million would be overkill and property prices are allready too high. I would commit sepuku if had to live in London or Paris.
Where do you live now? Must of been fun using an overcrowded bus everyday full of crackheads and homeless.

how is 2 million an "ant colony"? it's pretty standard population for a big city, probably even too small

dating must be awful any place under 1-2M

I don't think that's true. Rural areas provide much more space for hobbies

He's probably in Karachi; Islamabad only has around one million people.

I live in San Diego now, but the traffic is slowly getting worse too. I mainly drove in LA because of all the crackheads

15 million city here (officially, probably 20 unofficially), smaller area than Charlottesville

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What do people even do in cities, the only times I go outside is when I go drink somewhere

Cities are so cool I wish there were more in this country than like 4 or 5

I don't have sex anyway
Since user above mentioned dating is much better in bigger cities my first is:
1. Do you get sex?
2. How is the commute?
3. Do you have more hobbies/activities because of living in the big city.
4. Are you satisfied or nah?