Over a million less viewers than last season's premiere. It's over

Over a million less viewers than last season's premiere. It's over.

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reminder Tonybros won

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>Come on in you powerful sexy queer quangs
I just don't understand how it could be failing

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Pic related will be the final nail in the coffin.

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Imagine applying for survivor, making it all the way to the island as an alternative cast member and then getting sent home only for some dishonest tranny to be pulled 2 days in

Tori is cute though

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That show should have died like 10 seasons ago.

I just finished season 38 and I still like it, what am I in for going forward?


The King stays King
peak wokeness from season 41 onwards

39 was okay and 40 was pretty good but 41 was shit



Literally the best survivor player walking passing through

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does fucking everyone have to have a sob story to get on survivor now

>never watched survivor
>watch the one everyone considers the worst (the one where one team loses everything and the winner is a firefighter
>expect epic ending at the island
>final episode is at a studio a la American idol and everyone just sits there as if it was a graduation
Disappointed me so much I never watched another season except the millennials vs xgen


Another Tony season might be the only thing that can save it.


Nah they know he's a liar and manipulator they'd get him out as soon as possible

Tony will be on next season of Aus Survivor
Screen cap this

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