I'm thoroughly convinced that Marvel has perfected some kind of Pavlovian emotional manipulation technique...

I'm thoroughly convinced that Marvel has perfected some kind of Pavlovian emotional manipulation technique. There movies aren't horrible, but the level of slavish devotion they command is completely disproportionate with the quality of the actual product.

And while the idea that they pay off critics or something is dumb, the level of criticism they receive is absurdly minimal for a movie franchise that has been churning out like 12 pictures a year for a decade. Even if these were the greatest movies ever made, you'd think there would be some kind of pushback simply from contrarians, but there's just none. Go to youtube right now and search up "the MCU sucks" or "MCU overrated". There's like four videos and they're all trash.

What the fuck is going on here? Is it the clapping? Do people just go to these movies on opening weekend and hear a bunch of clapping and cheering and laughing and assume that means it's a 10/10 movie? Because watching these things at home you realize there's a bunch of awkward gaps for applause and laughter, and none of the jokes are actually funny. It's just a weird experience and I don't fucking get it at all. I'm pretty sure the people who love these movies only watch them on opening night or close to it. They laugh when they're supposed to because everyone else is laughing, the cheer when they're supposed to when everyone else is cheering. It's all so manufactured

Attached: MCU-GROUP-cover.png (1000x522, 734.12K)

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Stopped following this trash after Civil War. Too much of shitfest. Cringe, childish. Instead of growing up and becoming more mature and darker, like for example Harry Potter, they actually made it more and more childish. From some vision of rich guy fighting ISIS to fairytale wizards opening magic portals. Name a bigger fall from grace in chase for $$$

At this point it's more than obvious all reviews are bribed.

>There movies aren't horrible
>There movies aren't
>There movies
I stopped reading THEIR.

Attached: Screenshot (347).png (600x499, 275.35K)

There's nothing hard to understand at all. They've just succeeded at actually creating an expansive universe for people to lose themselves in. People have shown they want this. That's why they love Harry Potter, and Star Wars and such. But even those are not what the MCU brings to the table.

The key to the MCU is that it's current. The events aren't just prequels and whatever irrelevant shit. It's a universe that's alive and expanding with characters and story lines to keep people on their toes.

user you hit the nail on the head

these films are social events now, meant to be consumed with friends, tweeted about for some "ebin crossover" that shows your nerd cred, and then forgotten.

>have high value actors
>characters are simple in movie but complex over the course of the MCU
>no tryhard shit because this is a celebration
>introduced all the whacky shit slowly with oscar worthy actors pushing for them
>have long term vision for an over arching story
>never ever shit on a movie that has already been released
>customers know that what they see does matter and will have consequences in the future of the franchise
>the risky shit is first introduced in alternate products (comics, series, animation) and if successful it will appear in a movie

This is it. There's no magic, there's no machine, they are just competent products made by a competent team.

It honestly has nothing to do with Marvel at all, the exact same slavish devotion is given to Star Wars and many other franchises.
The problem is with absolutely broken, demoralized people who have corporate hooks so deep into their brain that their religious/obsessive/deferential instincts can all be aimed at products rather than anything healthy or productive.
For their part, Marvel are simply competent enough to create a coherent, ever-expanding story which doesn't have too many retcons or contradictions and has widespread appeal: the perfect target for Consoomers to fling themselves at.


You should have saved this for a capekino thread and not try to start a thread with it. This seems like a lot of effort into saying nothing.

But tl;dr seriously.

This nigga hears Mickey's laughter every time he leave the front door

>They've just succeeded at actually creating an expansive universe for people to lose themselves in. People have shown they want this. That's why they love Harry Potter
Get that name out of your whore mouth, mouseketeer. They are NOT the same. Delete your account

I find the culture very cringe. But i read comics growing up and I enjoy that they adapt them to live action.

I draw the line at CW shows. That is some unbearable dog shit. But the marvel movies are big budget 7/10 popcorn movies. I dont understand why people cant just enjoy stuff.

>Harry Potter, Star Wars
Both of those franchises have had massive amounts of criticism lobbed at them over the years. Even before Rowling started murdering trannies for sport, when I talked to people about Harry Potter the chances of them actually liking it were about 50/50. And there people who literally make their living criticizing Star Wars. Marvel is almost universally well received

i was fine with it until the style bled into literally everything. The Monsterverse and the DCEU got turned into MCU knock-offs. I watched the Legend of Vox Machina cartoon on Amazon and they have superhero-inspired action scenes and MCU style comedy beats> It gets tiresome

Well received =/= praised as the pinnacle of art
I know there are vocal psychotics who say the latest Spoderman should be nominated for best picture and niggers crowed about Black Panther all the livelong fucking day, but in the real world the vast, vast majority of people just know Marvel means a solid, enjoyable flick to watch when they feel like going to the theater or need to entertain the kids.

>have high value actors
like 99% of MCU actors were either nobodies or has beens prior to working with Marvel. Would you really consider someone like Tom Holland or Mark Ruffalo or Anthony Mackey or Sebastian Stan or Chris Evans "high value" prior to taking these roles?
>characters are simple in movie but complex over the course of the MCU
What are you, fucking high? I can't think of any complex characters in the MCU. Not one.
>no tryhard shit because this is a celebration
A celebration of what? Like I said, people clap and cheer and laugh but I've yet to figure out what we're celebrating. The jokes would flop in a comedy movie, the action looks like a video game, and the stories are simplistic to the point that I genuinely don't know why they excite people.
>introduced all the whacky shit slowly with oscar worthy actors pushing for them
What "whacky shit"? Like, Multiverses, space travel and magic? Have we ever needed to ease audiences into that in the past? Why do training wheels? Even the "weird" shit like magic is just more lasers. Magic in the MCU is exactly the same as technology in the MCU. It's a simple vehicle to squeeze a few more quips out of
>have long term vision for an over arching story
They release a bunch of logos once every few years with no writers or directors attached. The only thing they prepackage is the action scenes, which are already scripted independently prior to the stories being written. Which is really fucking weird
>never ever shit on a movie that has already been released
What does this mean?
>customers know that what they see does matter and will have consequences in the future of the franchise
You mean like when Spider-Man and friends got blipped out of existence?
>the risky shit is first introduced in alternate products (comics, series, animation) and if successful it will appear in a movie
Marvel has NEVER made a risky movie. It's literally never happened once. That's a marketing tactic

Honestly you might just be getting old enough to see patterns. Im not making a dig at you. But once you have consumed enough film and tv you see it all as similar because it is very much made in a machine.

This usually happens around 25 ish where you notice everything kind of sucks a bit.

>The key to the MCU is that it's current.
>The events aren't just prequels and whatever irrelevant shit.
Is this supposed explain Black Widow?
Or the Eternals?

Those who think the others are slaves too much are slaves as well

sunk ship fallacy and hype built on top of the previous movies that grows exponentially with each installment. also, normies love shinny loud stuff and quips

Marvel movies are extensions of the CIA propaganda outlet. You won't find criticism at the elite level like these review sites because they're the most diverse, pro-democracy movies

Read this: jfsdigital.org/articles-and-essays/vol-24-no-2-december-2019/black-panther-cinematic-masterpiece-or-cia-recruitment-video/

No, I can recognize when things are similar. I mean the style of comedy beats and action sequences. It's all very clearly Whedon-esque