Why did Japan call westerners “barbarians”

When the “jomon” have similar features?
Pic rel is photograph and Japanese drawing of Tom cruise’s char in Last Samurai I think

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He’s the barbarian ship
>They make him out to be a stereotypical "blue-eyed, hairy barbarian.

Attached: B5BEF17D-4EFF-44E7-A077-5CDDBDCA1053.jpg (600x393, 87.28K)

commodore Perry is now a cute mascot

Attached: perry mascot.jpg (640x480, 103.62K)

Kek he got his accurate portrait finally
Is he hated in Japan?

Yes, that’s why they through a festival for him…

Because they called at the port with cannons ready to shoot
Is this a barbarian act, right?

of course Japan, you are always right :D

Muh Jomon features is something that got popular after WW2 and peaked in the 70s because it looks more Western. But now East Asian features like Korean is popular

The people with jomon looks were discriminate against until recently

We have to protect them

Weren't the Jomon "barbarians" largely displaced by the "civilized" Yayoi?

Jomon are literal SEAniggers

No it’s just a show of force saying “don’t attack us we can kill u”
They presented white flags too

friendly reminder Jomon chads account for 5% of the Japanese genes. But their Y-DNA is prevalent among 30% of the populace


10% actually, still impressive

My Ancestor :)

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Those artists you quote worked on hearsay. Most of them never saw a white person in their lives. They did their works by hearing accounts from others, and those exaggerated because that way their stories "sticked." If I say "they have huge noses like tengu" its easier to remember and distinguish than a detailed description.

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but you are not spain




True but wasn’t that for places like London and other outside lands
they referred to these people as barbarians in the first hand accounts in Japan
>I see barbarism ships approaching
>Suddenly barbarians disembark

They are dirty and don't eat with chopsticks.

Ah yes, the picrel is jomon phenotype.

Attached: ustaz-abdul-somad-tidak-diizinkan-masuk-singapura-garagara-statusnya-fvh.jpg (620x413, 38.54K)

Inferiority complex, the post

dem jomons be looking like that though

It was a some naval skirmish, Spanish had more ships

those are literally pirates though