You are all diaspora

You are all diaspora.

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You don't look like this

Need the image where she is eating a cat-bread

I was born here.

you're a colonialist, doesn't matter if you were born in israel, you still inherited the land stolen by either your grandpas, great grandpas, or are from a family that moved to israel on purpose to settle in that stolen land and claim it as yours

I don't own any land, I have an apartment

don't defend palestinians, no one defends mexicans

even worse lol, yet you still participate on it

I'm not but a good deal of my flag's posters are ngl

shut up

i'll defend whoever i want, you like it or not, don't care if they like me back
fuck you, diasporoid, at least i can claim i have indigenous american blood in me

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Participate in what? owning an apartment? its not bad, I thought Any Forums was against being rentcucks

I'm Hyperborean diaspora. I wanna go back, it sucks here.

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I'm "indio" myself. Stop defending palestinians. It's just middle eastern on middle eastern crime, it should not concern us

t. Conquistador descendant


settler colonialism, living in stolen land, apartheid, ethnic cleansing, what other words can i use?
cope & seethe

arab monkey

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Leave mexico you palestenian monkey

>what other words can i use?
french toast?

not humans

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all the middle east belongs to israel

I'm glad we make these people seethe. As if we'll ever give those animals "their" land back.