Why Christian Bale is the best Batman

Christian Bale's Batman inspires hope. He's a sympathetic character. He is relatable. He is cool. He's strong but still has his moments of weakness. He's mentally sound and has a strong sense of justice. Nolan's Batman trilogy is superior to any other Batman media ever produced.

That is why Christian Bale's Batman is the best Batman.

Attached: DKR1.jpg (1400x1400, 310.75K)

He is not a fat drunk, nor is he Twilight's Edward. He has a cool business card, though maybe not the coolest.

American Psycho/Batman crossover when?


Tacticool vs gay lanky twat

The answer is very simple.

He's the best because despite some surface level differences, he's by far the closest to the spirit of the Batman from the comics. All three of his films were adapted from a multitude of the best Batman comics.

Good post I agree

The only real issue with Nolan's Batman is that he didn't adapt much detective work whatsoever. The closest he gets is when he uses the cell sonar in TDK.
He also made the best looking Batmobile. Nothing else comes close.

Attached: tumbler.jpg (1287x724, 112.12K)

But is he the most realistic Batman?

Man, rewatching BB the other day it was sad how much Bale was mogged by Murphy. Bale has a bit of a monkey face.

>The only real issue
Well, that and the shitty costumes and voice.

>fellow Tumbler appreciator
Nice to know you are out there. Most anons like the TAS AFAIK.

Also the movie has the right amount of seriousnes, with a normal and nautral amount of sariousness/levity. Childish dogshit and grimdark crap btfo

That's Nolan alright.

They should've kept the begins suit

Attached: batman-begins-suit.jpg (591x730, 32.5K)

>Well, that and the shitty costumes and voice.
I had more issue with the costumes than the voice (Nolan/Bale probably thought that it made Bruce harder to recognise). Honestly, making Batman 'realistic' just makes the potential for quality storytelling decrease.
>Nice to know you are out there. Most anons like the TAS AFAIK.
I haven't watched all of TAS, but it's influence on the character is undeniable, much like TDK trilogy.

Nolan trilogy will be looked back as the definitive capekino.

No, no. I agree that TAS is absolutely great, I meant that TAS' batmobile is preferred over the other ones as the best design. Burton is high too. I just really like the tank aesthetic of Tumbler, but it's clearly very impractical. BatAffleck's car being more lean is more apt for Gotham, I guess.

why does he beat up poor people?

He was on crack that day.

He stops developing as a character after the first movie & he's the least interesting character in TDK and TDKR.

Agreed. Best suit and cowl.
Keaton batman is still the best version though.

He's the best Bruce Wayne desu

He's not wearing hockey pads