Why did Any Forums hate this kino again? Is it because the characters have a social life?

Why did Any Forums hate this kino again? Is it because the characters have a social life?

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I think everyone thought the actress was ugly and didn't watch. That was my reason, anyway.

She's cute in motion.

That doesn't make sense at all and you must be a woman if you think it does. I've given you the reason and I can run away now.

It's the opposite, she's cute when she's not turning her head, revealing that massive hook.

>That doesn't make sense at all

Female anus too close to vagina

I've been with a few women in my life and one thing I've noticed is that the female anus is incredibly close to the vagina, in fact they're barely an inch apart.

I'm not sure about other guys - but doesn't this disturb you? It feel like a design flaw in women actually -- like they're supposed to be so feminine and beautiful yet this ghastly little oversight is ruining everything.

Somehow it feels to me that women should be more aware of this flaw and it should affect their confidence. Whenever I see a so-called beautiful woman walking down the street so care-free thinking she's all that I just remember her anus is only 1 inch away from her pussy and laugh her into oblivion.

Women: Please accept that they're too close together, let it negatively affect your confidence and so make yourselves more readily available sexually as a result. Afterall, we're having to sleep with a creature whos ANUS is only 1 inch away from the vagina --- you should not make this difficult. It's unappetizing enough as it is. We're doing you a favour.

Men: Do not let women forget this flaw, and do not forgive them for it. Remind them of it constantly less they get inflated egos and think they're all that

They're just too close together, sorry, but its true.

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fippy bippy, I've enjoyed every PTA movie I've watched but she's so ugly I refuse to acknowledge this shit

>he doesn’t enjoy tight clean pink assholes

China is right I don't want to see ugly people in movies

this, shes actually repulsive

She's so gross I can't imagine anyone putting up with her shit for any amount of time in order to get close to her, especially the main character who is both clearly savvy enough to know how to spend his time better

Damn great rebuttal. You should be a lawyer when you grow up.

Because it's an endorsement of pedophilia.

Finally watched it last week. Best film I've seen this year (probably the only one to genuinely keep my interest). Wasn't expecting to like it so much because I've not liked PTA films since he changed his style.

Also Any Forums hated it because they know if they gender swapped the roles in this film, everyone would spit on it and call it Any Forums bait.

It helps I have an unhealth obsession for the Haim sisters too.

>dat scene where she tried to stop him having sex with the highly attractive 15 year old by walking around in a frumpy bikini

>She's cute in motion.
is that motion her being flung off a cliff?

Ugly and untalented.

This bitch is busted and the 70's were gay

so...I'm the only one who thinks she's cute huh?

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It was just boring. It was like he was trying to make a Cameron Crowe movie.
And his obsession with California clouds his view. Almost nobody thinks 70s Cali is as special as he does.

She isn't ugly?

holy based

i forgot i watched this, what happened again?

i'd take her for a ride in a completely non sexual way

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