DNA thread

DNA thread

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puro jalisciense putos

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nice jawline breh

I think you look more native than me but you have significantly less than me

Isn't that enough indio that you can easily become an alcoholic?

el kek

oh no no no

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I'm I started drinking like a month or two ago. Now I'm craving beer or ciders everyday, and often I end up binging. Past two weeks I think I drank more days than not

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Also I am grug

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This bitch should shave her mustache.

I’m 22 and get drunk usually every weekend
don’t know if that is considered the behavior of an alcoholic or not

Im too autistic to become an alcoholic, if that makes sense.
The way I organize my life and time management doesn't leave room to be drinking and be non-sober. I have been drunk maybe 3 times in my life and never really have an urge to do so again.

Wanna go hunt some mammoths together?

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Are you a quapa?

Attached: EurogenesK13.gif (700x400, 4.79K)

Based ooga-bro.

My Indian brother


yes, my dad is half chinese

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Yes I'm down. I hope they genetically engineer mammoths
Listening to Joe rogan (btw a Lil baby grug being only 50%), I've had thr urge to go hunting, but using atlatl or spears instead of bows

I don't know how people manage to binge alcohol. The other night I was already pretty drunk when I decided I wanted to go on a bender, so I snorted some amphetamine and switched to drinking everclear. Then a couple hours later I started to feel off, vomited a ton, and passed out.