Well, what are they?

Well, what are they?

Attached: 1652756877856.png (582x480, 374.41K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: intermarriage nh white and nh asian.png (884x865, 391.8K)

honorary whites

Attached: asianqt21.jpg (650x975, 166.61K)

asian american

seeing them struggling to choose which box to put people makes me think about early 1900s science with skull measuring and shit.

POC of course

mad the way white people hate their natural pale skin and pay to tan it while asians hate their natural tan skin and pay to bleach it to be pale.

People of color and asian
What else is there

people of color means oppressed poor minorities. america just has a warped view that all asians including brown people are the same and that they are all privileged.

even though millions of americans are from poor areas in south east asia or poor immigrants from nepal or bangladesh.

don't give a shit though, asian and brown people are turning into a coalition when they realized how much white cracker liberals fuck them over and will turn the country into a meritocracy.

Let me guess, you're asian right? Why not returning back to the shithole you're coming from?

No. Should’ve stayed in your own land now we will rape your land

Do Americans even know what white is
Or do people here think white means privileged/not a poor criminal

God why is USA obsessed with colour and race?



Foreign interlopers that have no idea what an American is.

And? What's wrong with makeup?

truly society

Can they not be this pale naturally?

He did stay though

VGH... the hapa breeding grounds of Hawaii and the West Coast (Canada's too). The future rulers of the upcoming decades/century

whitening skin cream is the most popular cosmetic item in Asia for a reason

>angloid education