The most popular news show in America is literally spreading Any Forums conspiracy theories live on air.

@ 07:10 onwards

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that's an open declaration of racially altering political rule though, clear and cut.

oy vey shut it down
he's literally calling for jews to be gassed and murdered it's annudah shoah

Thank you, however I am not a raging faggot and therefore will not watch a second of Tucker Carlson

Just when I thought Tucker couldn't get any more based.

kek can't wait for Civil War 2 lads

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not a theory if its proven.



he makes his nut gaslighting conservatives, and he's hoping to foment domestic terrorism, the incidents are his bread and butter


He legit sends his followers to commit murder

I watched it yesterday. Unfathomably based. The age of the troon is coming to an end.

>Cucker Tarlson

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>conspiracy theories
Fuck off
You people actively brag about how brown people are replacing white people

Shut up cracker

can you really suppress their right to ethnic solidarity, especially in the face of constant demonization? imagine a remote african tribe have a foreign power invade its villages and enforce radical change even on a fundamental level, is that permissible? Learn to be a humanist

Faked image

America belongs to Amerindians

Have sex chud

>Tucker Carlson
One of many american i can trust, he radiates aura of my late father

Tucker is based

You can laugh all you want but regardless of who eventually wins in the US what will ultimately emerge is a horrific totalitarian nightmarish surveillance state that will make everyone shit bricks.
It’s just a question of time when it happens. Once the internal political struggle ends the game is on.
And this will probably start in Europe before it spreads to the US.

It's not a conspiracy theory that there are many groups looking to "mitigate the effects of a declining birth rate through immigration from developing nations."

It's an out and out fact. Now, what are the implications of this? I'd say it's pretty obvious that you have large enclaves that do not integrate with society. The culture of the host nation starts to erode. Increased social spending is needed because the immigrants do not have the labor skills for a developed nation.

Basically it's a fucking disaster, but people are stupid.

What did he say? I cba to watch/listen

Because they are Gentiles, for they are not true human beings.

Only those thaat are within the Holy Father of hos touch will know the light of His divine will understand this. For the Mormon National Socialist Unity, I implore you to understand that News is nothing more but a very good way to destroy your Temple unless it is one day truly filtered and cleanes under God's will and the statehood power one day.

Pray brothers and sisters, except for the gentiles for they do not know how to. Pray for the coming judgment day ofthe umbilical cut ofo the great war that will severe all ties of nations and cause the great schisms. Praise His Holy Name for He will Bring peace and unity to all for those who stand beside him and revive true order and law to the post gentile lands.

Are you ready to stand before god for your own lands, and gaze upon his majestic glory my friend? HOLY SPIRIT IS WITH US ALL AND IN THE NAME OF HOLY FATHER AMEN!