A fucking eagle

>a fucking eagle

Attached: 72d.jpg (1024x812, 103.4K)

Eagles are cool

Attached: Golden-Eagle_Jesus-Giraldo-Gutierrez-Shutterstock-1024x663.jpg (1024x663, 101.6K)

user... I...

Attached: francosama.png (550x558, 67.52K)

no they're ugly creatures
good thing we got rid of it

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Why do you speak with a lisp like a homo

what? i never posted my voice here. you're confusing me with another user

user, we can hear you


My brother in christ: you built mexico city where they had tenoch

i guess you could say..
we drained the swamp

Attached: _109513327_gettyimages-113636506.jpg (640x758, 187.86K)

Nope, you literally built on top and left yourselves without water for decades. Learn a history book, Manolo al-Paella. Your ancestors almost killed themselves by destroying the lake.

never heard of it
why would i read about some anecdote in one of our 30 or so colonies? theres more important things to be taught in our history books, and im personally more interested in peninsular spain rather than the colonies

>never heard of it
No wonder why. Your perception of what happened its kinder garden tier. You think the spaniard empire came, defeated the aztecs, then a fucking time skip of 300 and somehow-suddenly mexico city appeared and the lake was obliterated.

Is cool, Paco Júnior, is where the uncle of your grandma migrated, try It... We brazilian niggas, we have nothing in common with them, and we enjoy

thing is, i dont think about you at all

the only thing that spaniards think about mexico is that its a dangerous place
kkkk fodase hai que melhorar o ingles caralho
eu falo um pouco de portugues, podes falar no teu idioma

>thing is, i dont think about you at all
LMFAO you're literally having stress due illusion of competence. Just beautiful, I'm gonna screencap this conversation.

yeah im extremelly stressed

It's obvious, the eagle is the lady of Guadalupe, killing the aztec god, the snake Quelcoatzál

Even one dumb blind gorila, could see It...

Why do I feel happy when a girl timidly smiles after I tell her "You are beautiful"? I want no romance, I want poposex!
