You're allowed to discuss any film or television on this board

>you're allowed to discuss any film or television on this board

Attached: lazy-town-62bfece4884cd11fd46c7f7000a82ea5.jpg (500x750, 92.73K)

Jannies fear the underage girls

You and everyone else knows Lazy Town threads are nothing but posting pics of Stephanie's actress with zero discussion about the show.

Do you see her feet?

I asked for the best episodes and still got deleted

What about the best villain in any media ever

He's not a villain though, he was a freedom fighter against the tyranny of doing things

>T-This thread was TOTALLY meant to be about the show! I-I totally wasn't just trying to start a pedo thread!

>confusing hebephila with pedophila
educate yourself fool.

The production budget on this show was absolutely insane. Like even outside of the sets themselves, they translated this shit like crazy. Real anomaly.

Cunny sexy bunny

He's literally me

Does it still air anywhere?

I don't understand the power dynamic, Sportacus is obviously a Superman-figure and Rotten Roby tries to get rid of him so Lazy town would be lazy again, but all the kids except Stephanie are fat, and she is new in town. Is Rotten Robbie fighting windmills?

Robbie wants to fatten up Stephanie.

based architect

You can't discuss MLP here either, you gonna cry about that too you retarded faggot?

Explain that to the judge, pedo.

anything modern family related, even user's excel data on ariel winter.
hell, for a good while jannies banned anyone posting ariel winter pictures.

Im the judge and the verdict is that he is based and you are cringe

What do you think you’re achieving by arguing about this?

No because it has it's own board

I don’t see a dedicated LazyTown board, tranny

Can I get a qrd?

why is not Robbie himself fat?
too lazy to eat?

>too lazy to eat?
on the contrary he works harder than anyone else including sportacus

they literally aren't the same thing at all.


Just because he wants the town being lazy and fat he doesn't wish that to himself. Imagine his as a jew who wants open borders for America but not for Israel