Wtf was his problem?

Wtf was his problem?

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dog cunts

he saw a heckin racism


Didn't he get hit in the head as a kid with ketchup ? Or was that bronson ?

He was a fucking clown. The whole Chopper folk hero thing was disgusting, he tortured and killed people for their drug money. The made a whole thing about law abiding citizens not having to fear him because he only went after crims. There's a lot of non violent drug dealers mate


And Turks

>There's a lot of non violent drug dealers mate
lol, yeah my heart is bleeding for those non-violent criminals profiteering off the misery of others.


Doesn't mean they deserve to have their toes cut off or a blow torch taken to them. He was a bad bad bastard mate

>law abiding citizens
>non violent drug dealers
makes you think

Ned Kelly, the Eureka Stockade, Chopper

Colour me surprised when a nation of convicts takes a set of criminals as their folk heroes!

Chopper Reads father was WWII veteran with untreated PTSD
His mother was a 7th Day Adventist and extremely fanatical, the first he was declared insane was when he told her he did not want to go to church anymore and so she had a member of the church commit him and conduct electroshock therapy to try to exorcise the demons in him making him say this
He was also molested

But ultimately to survive in prison and in the criminal underworld where he acted as a Standover Man during his brief stints out of jail - a Standover Man is a real life version of Omar from The Wire a criminal who specializes in stealing from other criminals - he had to learn to be absolutely fearless and have no regard for his own safety otherwise he would die

the movie heavily implies that it was all bullshit stories. he constantly lies and overexagerates events throughout the entire film.

>he tortured and killed drug dealers
oh noes how terrible
>There's a lot of non violent drug dealers mate
but they still deal drugs, yes?

>Doesn't mean they deserve to have their toes cut off or a blow torch taken to them
Probably just should have handed over the money or realised that they're criminals, other criminals would take advantage of them and arm themselves. Either way, literally zero tears from me.

can you name any examples, i cant remember any except for Chopper lying about the turkish guy pulling a gun on his face

>poisoning people and undermining society doesn't mean they deserve to have their toes cut off or blow torch taken to them

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The Eureka Stockade was a fight against burdensome government taxation designed to drive out independent prospectors leaving just the large companies
Ned was fighting a political rebellion against the mistreatment of Irish Catholics and former convicts

>the first time
there were multiple occasions?

the lies about the events where he shoots his old "friend" to make himself look tougher, he lies to the cops, we never actually see him doing the shit he brags about on the news and the guy is a clear attention whore. crazy as fuck, but still an attention whore.

>he acted as a Standover Man during his brief stints out of jail - a Standover Man is a real life version of Omar from The Wire a criminal who specializes in stealing from other criminals

^ this is a more accurate way to explain it. He was a criminal that preyed on other criminals. Torture was one of his favourites. I'm actually from Tasmania and we never had a big drug problem until quite recently where meth is getting a bit out of hand. The reality is that he was a maniac targeting people who would be less likely to involve the police. And he did all sorts of shit like kidnapping a drug dealer and his girlfriend who had nothing to do with it. Made them swallow razor blades. He was a seriously bad man

Once again there's never been a real drug problem until just recently. The guy was just a violent predator

peaky fookin blinders

>He types, between bows at the biweekly St. George Floyyd Memorial Service

He moved to Tasmania after his release for shooting that Turk because of all the contracts out on his life and Tasmania allowed him to legally own guns in spite of his extensive criminal record, he wasn't there to stick up drug dealers
The Renee Brack interview conducted in Tasmania:

Ned Kelly was a paragon for the Irish community for standing up to the anglo authoritarianism when the Irish were being pretty badly persecuted

The Eureka Stockade could well have been Australia's Boston Tea Party

Yeah he's a fucking clown. Look at the audiences for his gigs and its all crims and scumbags

He was in Risdon Prison for ages mate. And he's been running around Tasmania up to his old tricks for a while before then

I know who he was. I don't care. Criminals being preyed on by other criminals is not a new phenomenon.

Can someone remind me what happens in the movie?
For some reason all I remember is the bit in prison where he has to cut himself or get someone to cut him or something.

Neville Fucking Bartos

What I'm saying is that his five minutes of fame were a fucking embarrassment for Australia. He was a violent maniac and he should never have been celebrated. Look at Benji Veniamin if you want a crim who targeted criminals who was actually liked

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