You stim Any Forums?

you stim Any Forums?

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"Stimming" is when you're high on speed and meth and shit

you rim OP?

I experience the word "penisbutthole" as an intrusive thought.

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google restless leg syndrome real quick

it's called restless leg syndrome and it's existed long before meme diagnoses like ADHD

ADHD exists it's for people who can't cope with the fast pace world they threw themselves into so now they have a high tolerance for stimulation.

It's like building a tolerance to any drug.

No its not even that. People bounce their leg when they get nervous, bored, whatever. its not a mental illness. its not a syndrome. its a thing people do. thats it

that's not restless leg syndrome

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>nobody knows what causes leg syndrome but you can treat it by quitting smoking

i tap my feet to the music i listen to all the time
its nothing

Whenever I sharpen my kitchen knife I have intrusive thoughts about stuff like putting my lips on the cutting board and slicing them off

My leg does that when I am taking a shit.

I rub my fingers against each other, when I am feeling lonely.

I swear people WANT autism more than anything these days. I have bipolar 1 and I never tell a soul but so many people I meet have to tell me how theyre autistic and to "bare with them". Like I'm not already an extremely tolerant person from all the other retards I have to interact with. Luckily I act nice but fuck what an awful way to introduce yourself. If you're truly autistic, I think I'll figure it out pretty quick.. It's like people can't live without categorizing themselves

This is called "leaking", and it's just a sign that you're nervous or excited or whatever and it's spilling over.

I used to have restless leg syndrome. It came on when I tried to sleep I would have to keep moving my legs up and down like I was doing high knees and if I stopped I would feel like I was going to explode until I started again either voluntarily or involuntarily

if i position my foot a certain way my leg can do that. it's not like flapping your hands when you're excited or something

When I drive, but only by myself, never with passengers, I start getting almost tourettes-like where I just start speaking in a stream-of-consciousness of profanity, typically consisting of
>nigger cunt nigger cunt nigger cunt nigger cunt
>shit cocks in your asshole faggot
>fuck slut cunts
>faggot cunt faggot cuuuunt

i do all the time since i was a kid

ADHD isn't a meme, and it's not just people who can't cope with society
>inb4 muh hunter gatherers
stop this bullshit cope. All the evidence points to it being cause by having underdeveloped, malfunctioning parts in your brain. That means we are essentially retarded. That's why some adults can "grow out of it" as their brain develops a little more.
If your dad was old when he knocked up your mom, if your mom got a bad infection while pregnant, or more simply if one of your parents if one of your parents has ADHD, you were probably born with ADHD.

regarding OP's gif, that's like saying
>have you ever coughed? you might have cancer.
when it could just be that you had ass hair stuck in your throat, or a simple cold. getting nervous during an interview is normal.

i do that when i haven't had a drink in 16 hours or more

This. Mentally broken people need to shut the fuck up seriously. Like, dont make yourself a bigger problem then you already are. Live your lives and move on.

Sometimes people just do it when they're nervous or to pass the time
It feels good but isn't forced
This is a fake meme to try to get people to think they need to take prescription drugs to make (((big pharma))) more money

So just bouncing your leg is a sign of mental illness? So almost every guy, me included, has it?

just put your heels on the ground