Make poor country rich and kill shit commies

>make poor country rich and kill shit commies

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The people who hate "commies" are brainwashed by the CIA.

Based. All commies deserve death

My man red somalia

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Traitors deserve death, son.

he got too based during the process and actually tried to build nuclear weaponry in an attempt to succeed the northern half of the peninsula so CIA had to get rid of him
what a shame

reported to the People's Public Security of Vietnam

fuck c*mmieniggers, we'd be first world by now if not for them

He despised commies so much that he tried to exterminate them all by making the nuclear bomb and that made the CIA assassinate him.
He was the one that decided to send soldiers to South Vietnam for the same reason.
my president

Russia under communism: went from poor feudal shithole to superpower in one decade
Russia under capitalism: went from superpower to corrupt oligarchic shithole in one decade

>Russia under communism: went from poor feudal shithole to superpower in one decade
Superpower with out toilet paper.

still far richer than under """"""communism""""""

Southerner Vietnam really hate communism

Park literally had a borderline insane crusader like hate mission towards commies. He tried to build nukes and wanted to cleanse all of Asia of communism with them which would have triggered WW3 so glowies assassinated him.

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Sound like a war criminal then since La Đại Hàn.

I hope uncle vanya pays more per hour than McDank

mcdonalds worker in developed capitalist country earns more than an engineer in any ex-commieshit country

It wasn’t a decade and it went from Feudal shithole to ultra dystopian shithole until the 1950s.

It became a superpower because hitler failed and they conquered east Europe and created an empire.

Don’t know why zoomer South Koreans hate him, changed the country in a decade

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germans hate hitler too user
that's what being a fascist is about
doing the unspeakable things for your people and your country and getting accused of being a human rights violator or a threat to (((democracy)))

You skipped the part where he implemented a dictatorship in the 1970's.

He was a good leader


What did he dictate wrongly?

Let alone all the remaining gibs from trade with Germans and lend-lease. All the looting in during the advance. And the fact that POWs were doing slave labor in rebuilding for years after the war.
And no shit it was chaotic when a centrally controlled state collapsed. Pretty much no one knew jack shit about economy.

Baltic states were right behind Finland, competing with it during interwar period. Finland even had to pay large reparations to USSR after WW2.
Yet 50 years of being able to develop outside the USSR, when compared to Baltics in it and post USSR collapse - Finland was literally 10x richer and better developed than the Baltics. Now that gap is slowly but surely shrinking every few years.