How did this autistic incel weirdo cause more damage to Gotham than the Joker in TDK did...

How did this autistic incel weirdo cause more damage to Gotham than the Joker in TDK did? Is Pattman Gotham just an incompetent shithole?

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Well for starters TDK Joker was obsessed with Gothamites turning on each other just to prove a point rather than do it himself. Eddie just said fuck it, I'm blowing up dam walls

Because Joker wanted to send a message about humans being evil rather than destroying the city, while Riddler is just a Any Forumscel

can someone explain his motivations to me? how was drowning a load of innocent people going to fix gotham's corruption? why was he always making autist noises?

>how was drowning a load of innocent people going to fix gotham's corruption?
we needed a third act in which Batman could finally accomplish something even though apparently the black major was completely incorruptible and would have fixed all the problems the incelddler wanted to fix.

>Be an orphan in a shit group home
>Conditions are so bad you have no privacy, share everything, rats bite you, and it's cold enough to kill some of your housemates
>Hear Thomas Wayne is running for mayor making promises to fix things
>Dress up and sing in a choir at his campaign
>Thomas Wayne and his wife Martha get shot in an alley.
>Every mobster and political player in Gotham cannibalizes the charity for their own gain, money that should have went to you growing up.
>This goes on for 20 years
>You and your housemates never get a second thought because Bruce Wayne is the real victim apparently.
>Grow up, have a shitty accounting job, ask yourself why your life sucks so hard or what you did to deserve the short stick every time.
>Develop mental and social issues. Only escapism is through puzzles/riddles for momentary amusement. That and online friends you've never met
>One day at your shitty accounting job you stumble upon the charity fund paper trail and where it's all really going.
>Get pissed at the situation but tell yourself you're powerless
>See Batman on the news doing crazy shit on his own
>Get inspired by his actions, and develop a fictional friendship/partnership in your head
>Become "The Riddler" after months of planning and prepping with your online followers

Shit actor. The joker actually sound crazy in the recorded videos.

what's that got to with the dam bombing though?

Unrelated question but after he was blasted at close range with the shotgun, was Batman about to die? The way catwoman consoles him and the way his eyes are closing seem to suggest so?

Bravo reeves. I didn't understand it either

The dam bombing was Edward's extreme strategy to get every remaining Gotham elite in one place so his followers could mass murder them like fish in a barrel. He didn't have a solution to fix/replace the issues and people that rotted Gotham to its core, he just wanted a clean slate. The people and businesses that suffered from the flooding to him were acceptable losses because the city was already shit in his eyes.

Keep in mind Riddler is an insane autist with intellect and narcissism

you know if he really did find a website like that im pretty sure he wouldve ended up making some kind of bleach and ammonia combo

lmfao, have you been paying attention?
>the world is at its most vulnerable, "unattended" state as it has ever been.
its literal 'chaos'

I think the point was that Bruce was so reckless the entire film and desperate to bring Riddler in that he disregarded his own safety to the point where he failed to upkeep his body armor. The fucking thing took serious punishment over the plot, with a crap ton of bullets and a damn bomb. It had to be cracking, right?

Anyone know a link to a good quality rip?


so why was he seething at batman not solving the last riddle?
did he expect batman to stop the bombs or did he think batman knew about them and wouldn't do anything about it because he thought batman was on his side?

So was he about to die then? It seemed to me like he accepted he was about to die and prepared to close his eyes before catwoman got grabbed by the guy.

>so why was he seething at batman not solving the last riddle?
He wasn't seething at batman not solving the riddles, he was mad that batman wasn't on his side. He believed that batman had solved the riddle and would watch the chaos unfold with him in arkham.

>quality rip
that's an oxymoron, baby!

finally, a man who gets it. Everyone just assumes he can do everything with his intelligence, but it makes complete sense when you realize he's just as much of a coward and physically weak, he said so himself after he got batman to bring falcone outside.
he assumed batman was on his side the entire time, batman solving his riddles and giving him exposure in the process is what made that a fact in the mind of riddler. Riddler genuinely believed that batman went to arkham after finding out about the bombs because he wanted to join in riddlers plan. That's why he lost it when it turned out that wasn't the case.

This was a great riddler.
I wonder, will life be imitating art in the future.

It's a little from column A and column B. Eddie didn't take the rejection well because in his deranged mind he thought Batman understood what he was doing and would accept him. He was mad about the riddle because it further proved how different they were.

Now in all fairness to Bruce, he and everyone thought the game was over when Riddler was arrested, never thinking about how easy it was to arrest him after Falcone's death or why the murder weapon was so unique. After Batman realized something else was in play, he reviewed the crime scene and quickly found the final piece of the puzzle. He was just too late.
In a weird way I think Bruce wants to die in his crusade. Selina in danger just reminded him that the fight wasn't over, and took the adrenaline

>but it makes complete sense when you realize he's just as much of a coward and physically weak, he said so himself after he got batman to bring falcone outside.
I should note he theoretically could have killed Carmine Falcone at several opportunities considering his apartment was sitting right across the street from The Iceberg Lounge and Falcone left to go to the mayor's funeral. Sure he could have sniped him from the window earlier, but the death would have been meaningless. Eddie was obsessed with having Gotham understand the truth about Carmine and everyone else involved in the scam, and it was only after Falcone's damning evidence hitting the news was it time to off him.

Hack job. He wanted the girl to save the macho man. It would've been better if they both joined together kicking Any Forums ass.

I really liked him desu

>Reveals all the corruption in Gotham on his own
He's more of a hero than Batman desu