Do women really prefer netflix?

do women really prefer netflix?

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Is Wendy's to blame for this corporate twitter clapback shit?


Don't know don't care I pirate all your shit and don't even watch a quarter of it

no idea but I hate normals so much its unreal

Wendy's yeah, but niggers mostly

I don't get how this is even a clapback.


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I remember people on this site posting Wendys twitter screencaps. It's something we need to be wary of. I'm afraid if KFC posts sneed the mouthbreathers on here would eat ir up. But I'm also hopeful the contrarianism would force the site beyond sneed into new territory. Exciting times.

He wasn't having sex with her so she left

>he was too much a artist to make a move

Wendy's and women, yes

So Netflix believes women are all just sluts?

no he was just too pussy to make a move

Even a broken clock is right twice a day

>Nowadays you get called a virgin by corporations
what a time to be alive

got my gf while watching who killed captain alex, there's no need for netflix

Any Forums btfo

A girl gave me a bj once when we were watching Gone in 60 seconds. Shit was so cash.

it's part of woke zoomer culture. I blame R*ddit. They think that making clapbacks is a substitute for actual argument.
also this I have access to my roommate's Netflix and I still pirate it

well yea!?
i was in a car accident once and ended up in the hospital
gf came by to visit and gave me a bj to cheer me up
lost fucking 15 lbs in 3 god damn days

Yeah. I remember the faggots here thought it was funny.

>lost fucking 15 lbs in 3 god damn days
Jesus man that's a lot of semen! How many blowjobs did she give you?

>companies posting uppity negress tier gotchas on official social media
Worst timeline

haha you cheeky cunt

Women aren't sluts

They're whores

There's a big difference