You know what is hilarious? There is this scene where Bruce breaks down after seeing Alfred in the hospital...

You know what is hilarious? There is this scene where Bruce breaks down after seeing Alfred in the hospital, makes a full map on the floor. The music hypes it as "oh shit, Batman is finally going full detective! Things are about to get serious!".

Then nothing happens. Next scene is Catwoman calling him. Then Riddler gives him more clues. Instead of making this scene have a purpose and get Bruce to find the truth of his dad on his own, the movie fakes he's doing any detective work.
This scene is useless and has no purpose besides showing Pattinson shirtless. There's dozens of other scenes like this in the movie that are pure filler.

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It's almost as if it's a bad movie

But user, the meaning of the movie was Bruce realizing his shadow, just like he did after taking venom and almost killing a man, realizing he was murderous in that moment. Thats character development. Just like the MSG scene is an absolutely vital part in Riddlers mission to rinse the city of the corrupt, by shooting a non-corrupt newly elected mayor and civilians.

What other scenes could be cut? I say the Joker scene, which is absolutely useless

>non-corrupt newly elected mayor
There was no actual reason to believe she was any different than the others. All she did to show she was non-corrupt was give a vague speech about "change" and be a black woman.

In fact it'd be kino as fuck if it actually turned out she was just as corrupt as all of them.

Of course, the point was that the riddlers mission lost the point in the ending. Should they have not chased other proven corrupt leaders instead?


>the point was that the riddlers mission lost the point in the ending
Yeah I'm not exactly sure what the purpose of the attack was other than assassinating the new mayor. Which would be possible to do without flooding the city and drowning random civilians.

Why the hell did he draw all that stuff on the floor anyways? And why with spray paint? And why was it so huge? Did he not want to clear off a desk?

This scene made me feel like I was watching a Twilight movie, and began to cement the feeling that the film was fundamentally ridiculous and amateurish.

The whole Penguin chase scene was stupid as hell too. Who know how many people died only so that Batman could get a spanish lesson from Penguin for whatever reason which turned out to be an important clue completely unrelated to the Penguin.

Yeah, almost like that time when the Batmobile revs up and it gets all exciting and the sound design hypes you up and then it just lurches forward a little bit, stops like it's stalled, and then trundles along at a normal pace (but in darkness so you can't even see what it looks like)

It was pretty clear that a rat with wings could be any sort of bird, as well as a bat. I liked the chase scene, but why would the Penguin be the one to have to break that down.
I liked the early detective stuff he did and found the Vegas shooting-esque scene to be a total waste of time. The movie could have wrapped up nicely around the Riddler’s arrest and remained grounded. Flooding the city was too capeshit, after what was a reasonably grounded super hero movie.


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i can already tell you went into watching this film completely biased, and already made up your mind you weren't going to like it. the only reason you did see it, is so you could come post your opinions on Any Forums.

Riddler wanted to totally obliterate "the system" and force people to deal with things like the renewal fund, and the risk with the new mayor is that the public just söyfaces over what they see as a good individual without acknowledging how shitty and corrupt the system itself is. It was a grand gesture to demonstrate how the entire system was broken and needed to be taken apart and built anew, not just by shoving a couple of nice leaders in and carrying on as normal.

> it's pointless
He immediately looks at the "Sins of my Father" spray painted on the floor, and begins searching through the renewal files. It's not his fault that he gets cut off by Catwoman. Plus, that scene with her leads into the Wayne reveal just as well as this scene could've, plus it furthers her story.

>You know what is hilarious?
Nothing about your wall of autism is funny

You guys are all morons. I'd say you have room temperature iq only if that room was an unheated cabin in the siberia.
The flood is kino. Water cleans. Water kills. Water destroys.
It was too obvious for me. The arena is made to look like a baptismal pool. Batman falls into the water cutting himself from the electric wire.
He is fully submerged and comes out in the darkness. He then lights the candle and guides the people with the light.
It is rebirth. A baptism.
Since you are atheist you would never see the biblical allusions.
Batman then rises up to the dawn as a new man.

Perhaps the best change im Batman ive seen on a capeshit flick. I wouldn't say it was subtle but not as in your face as Snyder.

Matt Reeves isn't a good writer but he can do good set pieces.

What gets people more riled up: discretely assassinating a minor politician or an attack/disaster that kills a whole bunch of civillians?

>muh darkness
>muh realism
>muh politics
I despise the pretentious reviewers of this shit.