Just marathoned the first three episodes of this kino, what did I think of it?

Just marathoned the first three episodes of this kino, what did I think of it?

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I liked it but I’m curious how they’re going to present her going full sociopath arc

It seems to have already started with the testing on cancer patients and her voice deepening to Darth Vader levels. I have to keep reminding myself that Elizabeth Holmes really exists.

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She’s a full on psycho nut job so I hope they present her that way
She is perfect for tv desu

Ngl I'm in love with and also fear her and would marry her but live in terror for the rest of my life just to be studied by her so she can report back to her robotics alien reptile race about me.

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I bet she has horrible breath.. she is just a dork/nerd grifter female and at best 5/10 with makeup. also she is a psychopath which deducts about 4 points. I say lock her up for life.

Gibney documentary is better

How much crap fluff is in this? I tried watching the Pam/Tommy show and most of it seemed to be about the life of the Seth Rogan character.

>deepening to Darth Vader levels.
That was what i was going to ask if they included. It was so bizzare seeing interviews with her doing this. Im not convinced this whole thing was a front for something sinister and she was the fall guy. So many major politicians were invested

She's a female Markie Zuck. Same lizard eyes and all.

Yeah but those eyes scream madness, she's hot as shit

It's a different tone to Pam and Tommy, no fluff

Yes, she starts doing the voice at one point and people ask does she have a cold and so she stops doing it.

I like the pacing so far, it gives me The Social Network vibes for the first couple episodes
They make her seem pretty normal and do a good job planting to seeds towards her downfall

Firing the head engineer was a dick move

I think this is based on or takes notes from a documentary

kek i didn't know her elizabeth holmes voice was so deep
i thought it would be like a normal girl's voice

Yes, if those women have a penis (feminine)

Zuckerberg could atleast code. This bitch wouldn't know a test tube from her tampon

>also she is a psychopath which deducts about 4 points
literally the opposite ffs

Remember when the clickbait huffpo journalist women were promoting her as the "Female Steve Jobs"? lmao

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She's the Steve Jobs of my heart