Any movies about seeing things that aren't really there?

Any movies about seeing things that aren't really there?

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im simply not there
can you see me?

Fight club

Donnie Darko I guess

hey look it's the same thread again

how did you get this picture of my dead dog? I miss her

Anyone else seeing like a human face in deep distress looking to the lower left corner instead of a dog looking at the camera?

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That’s the point fren

it has been proven that the people who deny seeing a dog are mentally schizoid

someone post the bald guy

it looks like a 6 year old with a dogs body and black liquid all over its mouth

oh no

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wtf I can't see the dog anymore

I see a liberator

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I did the first time, now I just see a dog

Yeah same, I can kinda force it back by making the snout the right eye of the face.

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This helps, thanks

Help me see the dog.

It looks like that for me except with clown make up around the mouth

ayy lmao

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I saw a weird face, now it's a dog. No matter how hard I try the face doesn-

all i see is the dog what else is there

there is no dog, only turtles

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