What would Star Wars have to do to win you back?

What would Star Wars have to do to win you back?

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A straight, white male lead.

build a fucking time machine and remove whatever shit happened after 2010

It can only win me back if Disney loses it.

Pretty impossible at this point, I don't even know what Star Wars IS anymore. It's a kid's movie and a brutal war drama and a heist movie and a cowboy/samurai series and a boring space opera and a fantasy-adventure for the whole family.
How can anybody be a fan of Star Wars anymore?

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Start making movies at least as good as The Mandalorian series.

Cast some 3/10 nerd girl from rural north east PA

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Give me a Megan gf

a two hour deepfake of luke and mara

Make the entire sequel trilogy non-canon and wait 20 years until trying again with an actual fucking plan.

Complimentary cinema assault weapons so I can shoot at the screen whnever something I don't like happens (which will be a lot)

Hire Jenny as the spokesperson of the franchise. In her slave-girl outfit.

ahhhhhhhhhhhhh fuckin SLUT daddy wants to FUCK daddy slut FUCK FUCK AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

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Not be cringe shit marketed to 7 year old girls at fat california dykes

Why would it need to win me back? I haven't watched a movie since TFA and that hasn't stopped me from playing Star Wars Galaxies.

go back in time to before harrison ford gave up and make george do the sequels instead of the prequels

We've gotta get back, back to the past

She's going to be too busy getting cancelled for being a dirty shotacon

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sex. now.


Make George Exec Producer only. Hire people who aren't fans of the series (like Irvin Kershner) to make the films so they can focus on the plot and characters. No more trilogies.

getting old, time flies

A gay, black, trans, lead.


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>Make the entire sequel trilogy non-canon
>wait 20 years until trying again with an actual fucking plan.
Fuck that. Hire some actual good talent who have a passion for sci-fi, use the best parts of the EU as a basis, and they could crank out a trilogy worth of good story in less than a year. Don't have them wait until Harrison and Mark are dead and all the fans are ancient and have moved on.

I was just meme-ing.

If you need to bring back characters - recast, don't use that CGI shit like they did with Tarkin, Leia and Luke.

Can I hire her as my personal maid on the Starcruiser?

A young white/blonde padawan girl eats togruta pussy

Holy fuck i haven’t seen a Megan thread in ages. Post your favorites, lads

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Sorry you are not in the next movie
They will win me back with Lego Star Wars TSS, it will be the greatest star wars game. Plus Mando was great and Visions was OK.

This is my girlfriend, Megan. Say something nice about her!

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Erase the sequels from our memory and create new ones with sexy Darth Talon.

Giant female humans and aliens. Just remake a new hope but with a 900 foot female Luke.

Her breath looks like it stinks

Kys trannny

He almost passes

>Drop everything post ROTJ
>Try again with eu stuff
>Stop claiming every muttoid woman was the true starter of the rebellion
>Get actual autists to design ships, battle scenes and such
>Execute rian and jewjew with the first ever made blaster or lightsabre

Go away for a while. Stop over-saturating the market with it. Give people time to appreciate it again.

Make something creative and new that's not pozzed. An old era that people have never seen but had importance in later eras perhaps.