Did this episode kill Black Mirror? There hasn't been a new episode since

Did this episode kill Black Mirror? There hasn't been a new episode since.

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Reality becoming weirder and more fucked up than the show killed it.

black mirror died the moment netflix bought it

Literally what was the point of that last season?

>wot if you could suck your mate's dick in street fighter
>wot if your tamagotchi tried to kill you
>wot if you wanted to fucking kill yourself

Also Bandersnatch was one of the worst things i'ver ever seen on Netflix. This show dropped off a cliff.

>wot if you could suck your mate's dick in street fighter
This one fucked me up. They didnt even go to sexlabs or anything, the programmers just put all that in there

Charlie Brooker knew he was out of ideas so sold it to Neetflix, genius move.

Never understood why this series was shilled so hard on /tv. It's a pozz fest made for reddit.

>wot if you could suck your mate's dick in street fighter

gaynigs killed it

Last episode I saw was the one where the guy was doing a test of AR and the twist was it killed him instantly and everything was just in his head a she was dying. And Bandersnatch, but that sucked. No idea what the one in the pic even is.

Waldo Moment stands as one of the biggest pleb filters in TV history

i liked it

>black mirror died the moment netflix bought it

This it became glaring how sharp the quality drop. Granted the creator or writer is a sjw cuck but it became more insufferable in the later seasons.

no. looking back only two episodes are good from the first two seasons. the one with the future bike ride talent show and the one with the daily mail island torture the kid killer daily.
this user is correct

Wot if yer guest stars were more dystopian industry plant mass marketed products in yer reality than yer post-dotcombubble milquetoast, uninspired, tech dystopia fantasy show could even match? Fuckin' mental innit mate?

> >wot if you could suck your mate's dick in street fighter
Can’t believe they thought this was actually dystopian

that's how it is with netflix. they buy cancelled shows and make a few more seasons with noticeably lower production value. designated survivor and arrested development are the best examples of this

Best episode coming through.

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Bandersnatch was basically a tech demo.

Immersive VR “fighting games” when?

It’s a British show that was ruined the moment Netflix bought it. Apparently the only ones who expected more episodes were brainlets like you.

>I don’t understand how people who aren’t me think
the literal epitome of autism lol

>No actual physical contact between 2 men
>Female character having sex with male character
Not gay. Essentially just two dudes jacking off in seperate places.

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It capped after White Christmas then took a nosedive

the story concept is great but the execution is sloppy as hell.
>hey we're planning on taking over the government with a cartoon bear lol
>we better explain this to a random voice actor otherwise the audience will be confused