Western animation peaked here

Western animation peaked here.

Attached: MV5BOWNjMjgyNmMtNWMzZC00YjI4LWI1NmUtMTY0ZTA0ZDQ4Y2EwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTUyMzE4Mzg@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg (1000x1490, 124.38K)

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Arcane exists you kno?

Damn, OP, I can't argue with you.

For hand drawn animation, yeah. Give digital about 20 more years though

sweet Jewish lore

haha, sorry guys, wrong pic :)

Attached: p20157_p_v8_ac.jpg (960x1440, 269K)

Arcane is 3d shit, it's soulless compared to this

>pharaoh would do anything for his brother, all he has to do is be reasonable

I honestly couldn't keep watching this shit.

Nah, story was boring and dialogue wasn't the best. Musical numbers were also forgettable for the most part

Not even the best early Dreamworks film. Antz and Shrek 1 are better

Pretty based but not quite

Attached: MV5BMjEzNzA3MTg3OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNDc3NDgxNw@@._V1_.jpg (2048x1232, 428.83K)

It peaked here

Attached: pinocchio.jpg (550x415, 94.61K)

The peak of all of western animation wouldn't even make it in the top 100 animations because of a little island to the east.

Why is the west so incompetent?

Attached: Gina.jpg (1200x650, 165.48K)

Disney, Walt. He was a giant.

You have to wait a while before doing this again

Reminder that the woke Democrats tried to correct the record on Walt Disney's reputation 50 years after his death


You will never be a woman.

Ghibli is overpraised shit. Have a nice day.

Why are half the characters in any given anime White?

Go back

I don't care about that, you think you're getting to me because I'm a weeb and this observation would make me angry

I literally couldn't give a shit what race anime chracters are, I just care that anime is on a superior artistic level to western animation.

Attached: MV5BMTQ5ODk1NDg2NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTM5OTEyNw@@._V1_.jpg (2048x1265, 1.21M)

What a sad old hag


Attached: Meryl-Streep-Walt-Disney.jpg (620x355, 189.86K)

>anime is on a superior artistic level to western animation.
lmao not even

Attached: Fantasia-Disney-Movies.jpg (600x314, 46.25K)

>Pharaoh is an authoritarian slaver who proclaims himself God on Earth
>this user thinks the slaves are being unreasonable

>Jews are unreasonable
News at 11

Most aren't very impressive