Any Forums images that didn’t age well

Any Forums images that didn’t age well

Attached: with a car you can go anywhere you want.jpg (546x640, 63.4K)

With a car, you can go anywhere you want


Man I miss 2.24 a gallon gas

Attached: 1510796415893.jpg (635x839, 49.09K)

Attached: back in the USSR.gif (220x165, 178.92K)

>Gas starting to cost more than it does in apocalyptic movies

Attached: 2644505909_6d71e9a64f_c.jpg (800x506, 41.8K)

Attached: 1601772845471.jpg (720x641, 54.3K)

>that didn’t age well

Attached: ncbh.jpg (444x452, 29.57K)

why would you fill your tank with skim milk

it's worth it to not have a meanie in the white house

is it going to be mad max? I wont survive long bros

i'll tell my grandchildren about this pic someday in a nuclear shelter

Fukin harfoof shits

>his car doesn't run on milk
Thanks for killing the earth

I need a burger to explain to me how the fuck their petrol is so cheap, a gallon in Europe costs about 10-12 dollars.

I wish they had E85 in NH.

>sweet dreams are made of these

google it

>europoors can't get their milk at gas pumps

OP pic is old and from Canada

They have their own oil supplies and they do all of their own refining.

Attached: 1611612309978.gif (300x376, 1.25M)

Less taxes