Do you have a local cuisine that everyone else in your country finds disgusting, but the locals love?

Do you have a local cuisine that everyone else in your country finds disgusting, but the locals love?

This is a chicken parmo. To the locals of Teesside this is top-tier cuisine, to everyone else in the UK, it is rancid slop.

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i tried it and i vomited. it's like a 6 year old's idea of food.

they are inedible to anyone outside of the north-east

What's in it


How is this different than a normal chicken parm?

The area I grew up in had "fried brain sandwiches", which are sandwiches with the fried brain of a cow as the meat, but they're declining in popularity because of how disgusting it is and the risk of Mad Cow Disease.

>local cuisine that everyone else in your country finds disgusting, but the locals love?
Lingonberry juice and vodka.
Vodka and sausage.

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No wonder you poms puke when you eat this trash, a proper chicken parmi is the epitome Aussie pub grub. Come home old man.

it's a deepfried breaded malleted chicken breast served with a thick layer of cream and cheap cheese.

Sounds nasty, come down south Nigel and I'll treat you some good Strayan pub grub.
I'll do it for the low low price of 24 SLBMs, after all, a nuke a day keeps the chinks away

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Perhaps not a regional thing but it does seem like zoomers hate it while all boomers love it.
Here in Motala where I live it's pretty much the traditional meal you eat during all celebrations and holidays.

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Always wanted to try one of these bad boys

In the east end of London and Essex (where a load of cockneys moved) there's a special type of pie and mash with weird thin watery pies and a bizarre liquid called liquor that tastes of almost nothing. Old people go mad for it but it's unheard of elsewhere. I grew up here and don't really like it apart from the experience of going to the special shop to eat it

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I had that and it was brilliant.

looks scranning tbqh


I make them sometimes for the 'rents for Sunday Roast pudding, they just take so long to boil that it's too much effort sometimes. Taste utterly lush though


Northerners seem to hate grits for some reason

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It's good to go those places otherwise they'll all close and be replaced by Mohammed meat

This shit

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Dunno, many things are disliked by youth and liked by elderly. Something to do with dying tastebuds.

Chicken gizzards are popular in the south. I’m a yankee but i like them

They're not dying out, in fact a new pie and mash shop opened here last year (Chelmsford). Plenty of young people in there as it's part of the culture unlike in London where there are barely any lifelong natives any more

>chicken parmo
nigel pls