Just watched it. Legit future classic, this is a fucking masterpiece movie. Is anyone else seeing what I am with this...

Just watched it. Legit future classic, this is a fucking masterpiece movie. Is anyone else seeing what I am with this? It’s a genuinely amazing film

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Fuck off, tourist

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look at how it’s directed and shot, every frame is striking. so many iconic moments already. it blows nolan and burton out the water

hes not wrong when you take into account that america will be south africa2.0 in the near future
read the following and it all makes sense
>A gang tries to get a black kid to knockout game an asian man in the first minute of the film after watching videos of just that and laughing. The black kid is shown to be against the idea both times. Maybe the gang isn't all white but their faces are painted white so the symbolism is obvious. The black kid's face is only half painted white so if he goes through with it he'll be a white too.
>stopasianhate and the attacks being blamed on whites

>The privileged daughter of a rock star's character talks about white privileged men. The irony of catwoman stealing for a living is not lost.

>The riddler is essentially bubbles(TPB) dressed as the green bastard, he's trying to be the tooth fairy from manhunter and john doe from seven, completely unoriginal. he literally says, "no one can stop what's coming". Then he recruits Any Forums on the internet to cause an insurrection against the black mayor. Mirroring both jan6 and Brenton Tarrant/8chain

>The black mayor uses the dead mayor's funeral to beg bruce wayne for money.
In the beginning all the cops are white and hispanic, until the end when only the cleans cops stop Falcone, then they're majority black.

>This movie is a bigger propaganda piece than Fury Road and anyone telling you otherwise can safely be written off as a shill or tourists from Any Forums, twitter or reddit

one thing it doesn't mention is that batman/bruce wayne was told to "do better" by all the negro characters

>rainy Gotham is nice to look at
that's all it has
soulless film, soulless OP

>future classic
>genuinely amazing
3 stikes op, you're out

Name two iconic moments from this movie.

There is not one iconic moment in this film

0/10 flick. Go see Warcraft instead, you'll thank me later.

Attached: the-world-of-warcraft-movie-gets-everything-right.jpg (800x400, 64.47K)

0.10 shekels have been deposited in your account

batmobile charging up
people afraid of the bat signal
batman escaping the police station
batmobile reveal
bomb collar

kys and go back to facebook / reddit

>Trump gif

Okay, tourist.

ive probably been here longer than you, since 2011. yeah the anti white elements are cringe. the film is beautifully shot though

go back to r/pol

>Legit future classic, this is a fucking masterpiece movie.
This but unironically

when are these zoomies going to go back?

idk bout all that but i would let kravitz have her way with me

Attached: zoe-kravitz-the-batman.jpg (800x450, 27.68K)

you mean you were born in 2011
Please go back
see the pic I posted, batman with mulato catwoman and Any Forums villain is the new thing
I bet you're vaccinated LMAO

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It was good until the ending with the incel goon squad and the big CGI set pieces. Also Catwoman was insufferable. Everything else was good though

ok 2016 reddit migrant

There's a woman in a prominent role!? Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>Maybe the gang isn't all white but their faces are painted white so the symbolism is obvious.
Lmao it’s funny how quickly the goal posts moved on this.

Wish i did, but for me this movie is only decent. Some really cool things but to much stupid that drags it down. Great that so many people like it though.

I can't stop thinking about it since I saw it. I think the tone and style was just amazing. I'm probably going to see it again to really soak it in.

90% of Any Forums don’t leave their grandmas basement so they haven’t actually seen the movie, they’re just parroting the blatant contrarian negative reviews from ppl who wanted to bash and hate the film before they saw it

Ah yes, that movie that nobodys gonna remember in a week, a true classic.

Story and acting were shit