You people caused this

Fuck this movie, not even Batman is sacred

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>some rich kid got told she couldn’t have a job one time and now she has a job

Zoe Kravitz wasn't even acting at that time. Her first role was given to her in Divergent in 2014. Twitter seriously needs to be banned.

what a disingenuous post. cant we just forget about all of that and just be happy that a minority got a chance to shine, for once?

I wonder what will they say about Chris Pratt wanting to be TChalla but never getting the role

Rich people are definitely a minority

Michelle will always be best catwoman

thats not the point here. and what is wrong with her being rich? ohh her dad is rich oo what a crime this is injustice

>create retarded narrative in your head for all of your shortcomings to fuel your perpetual victim complex for your entire life because you hate the way that you look

Fuck off chud, eat the rich

Her parents are both rich and famous but she's still oppressed, Chud. Her mansion probably had a normal pool and not olympic sized

Wasn't she like 8 years old when Nolan made his Batman?

>ohh her dad is rich oo what a crime this is injustice
Yes unironically.

this lady is blacker and poorer than Zoë is, and she thinks she receives corporate imputation of Zoës success through ritual substitution

we wuz kweens

is this all black people do?

I googled the dates, she was like 15 so yea.

She was around 24 when the last one released, early 2010s were the last period where we could had a full white cast without a massive shitfest of non-whites complaining.

decent bait desu

pretty much

they've learned that they can leech off the western civilization

Are you fucking joking? Go back. They run everything, wake up. White people are the only race you’re allowed to openly mock and ridicule, funny how that works, it’s racism, and gaslighting because then when whites get mad, they pretend it’s racism and justifies their actions

>for once


it's all so goddamn tiresome. couldn't have been turned down because she's a shitty actress with zero experience it has to be because she's a mutt

they probably don’t even know the burton movies exist

Oh Catwoman is a nigger now? Me and my brother were supposed to go see this, but I guess I'm calling it off. Hopefully they can find some niggers to pay for our empty seats!

>for once

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>the definitive live action catwoman
I fucking hate zoomers and urban individuals.. zoe’s catwoman is pretty much on par with anne hathaway’s, both extremely forgettable, but at least anne is pretty

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not all of them, but even the roles they’re given is only of people who complain about everything, i’d be offended if i was black

even though whites are the predominant race

>rich Jewish girl and heiress of a multimillion dollar dynasty getting a Hollywood role is a victory for blacks?

God damn niggers are retarded

wait until you see batman remain quiet as she justifies the deaths of people for being white privileged assholes

I didn’t know Nolan was this based

Apparently they also commit over 50% of the violent crime in the US.

>paying for anything

>this is the left in 2022

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still quite young, hathaway was 29

See, this is an obvious joke, but still there's the seed of doubt that it might not be and reality is that absurd.

Hathaway was also attractive and fit the "classical" approach of the character, not to mention a decade+ of acting experience but nah they turned Zoe down because she was a nigger that's the only reason

I just found out today that there is a new batman movie, I watched the trailer and when I saw the nigger I turned it off, what a waste of time. Another fucking nigger movie.

bish be looking like a crack ho nowaisain? no cap

yes, there are obviously many other factors i'm not listing

it’s literally not a joke.

Smartphones were a mistake.