Did Hollywood brainwash the America audience into wanting to fuck jewish women in the 1990s...

Did Hollywood brainwash the America audience into wanting to fuck jewish women in the 1990s? I can't get rid of these feelings of wanting to fuck Elaine (seinfield), Monica (friends), Jackie (that 70s show).

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they're stll doing it what do you mean?

Jewish women are attractive.

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she's not jewish

I was born in 1998 and I want to fuck a jewess, I don’t think it’s exclusive to that generation

the character Elaine is not jewish but I have some exciting news for you about the surname "Dreyfus"

it’s Benes, you jackass

I had a jewish gf who looked like connely.

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She was a new york woman, the stereo types are funny. They have a certain style thats attractive simple as

fellas, is it a conspiracy that hot girls make my dick hard?

I heard there was an affair?

True or false

Jewish women are some of the hottest in the world, they are also no prudes.

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yeah, some guy named “Louis”

Also Julia is actually funny so some men like that too

Yes, I am truly being mind-controlled into wanting to shove my face between Julia Louis-Dreyfus' B-cups. That is something that could never happen otherwise.

jewish women are

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There's nowt wrong with fucking a jewish woman. Just don't stick a bun in the oven.

Assuming she has a bra, sir?

Who's this I need to Jack off

There's a whole episode about Elaine having Shiksa-peal

jewish women are ugly

and George was supposed to be greek

that's my daughter you freak

They really aren’t though. Most have fridge bodies and awful personalities

unironically looks like a demon

>a demon
for semen